Stachethemes Event Calendar

Stachethemes Event Calendar version 5 Shortcode Parameters

Calendar Shortcode Parameters

Please note that the parameters are also available in the calendar dashboard. You can access the calendar dashboard to configure and customize various settings to meet your specific needs and preferences. Here are some of the available parameters:

Calendar shortcode: [stec] or [stachethemes_ec]

Gutenberg block: /stec or click "Browse all" and navigate to the "Stachethemes" section.

Elementor widget: The calendar widgets are available under "Stachethemes" section or in "Search widget" input type "stec"

Calendar Settings:

Filter Settings:

Layout Settings:

Dashboard Settings:

Miscellaneous Settings:

Shortcode Examples:

[stec filter__calendar=1]
[stec filter__category=101,102,103]
[stec filter__organizer="201"]
[stec calendar__layout=grid calendar__layouts="grid,boxgrid,map"]
[stec calendar__open_events_in="modal"]
[stec filter__min_date="now" filter__max_date="2_years_ahead"]
[stec filter__min_date="start_of_this_month" filter__max_date="end_of_this_month"]
[stec filter__min_date="2023-01-01" filter__max_date="2023-12-31"]