Stachethemes Event Calendar

Missing Font Awesome Icons

Fix for missing or incorrectly displayed icons

By default the calendar uses 'font-awesome' hook to register and enqueue the Font Awesome stylesheet.

However, it is possible that another plugin or theme is loading older version of Font Awesome using this same hook.

If a theme or plugin is using an older version of Font Awesome, it is very likely that your icons will break.


Easiest way to fix issues with Font Awesome icons is to create a kit.

  1. Go to Font Awesome website and navigate to kits:
  2. Click "Add New Kit"
  3. Create your kit.
  4.  Copy the link address ( ) or whatever is your kit url
  5. Go to your theme or child-theme functions.php file and insert following hook at the bottom:
 * Load font-awesome kit
function enqueue_font_awesome_kit() {
    wp_enqueue_script('font-awesome-kit', '', array(), null, true);
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_font_awesome_kit');
add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_font_awesome_kit');

That's all. Your icons should load correctly now.


As an alternative you can install the Official Font-Awesome WordPress Plugin.

Activate the plugin and go to Dashboard -> Settings -> Fonts Awesome

To get API Token go to

Insert your API Token in your WordPress Font-Awesome Plugin