
Set up Weather Forecast for Stachethemes Event Calendar version 5

Set up Weather Forecast

Your Calendar plugin requires an API key from OpenWeatherMap to fetch weather data. 

Users can set up this API key in the plugin settings as follows:

  1. Go to Dashboard -> STEC -> Settings -> Forecast tab.
  2. Select the API Version:
    • The calendar offers two API versions, 2.5 and 3. Here's what you need to know:
      • Version 3: This is the recommended version for new users. If you are a new user to OpenWeatherMap, select "Version 3" from the dropdown menu.
      • Version 2.5: This version is deprecated and intended for older users who might have previously used it. If you have been using the plugin with an older API key, you can select Version 2.5, but it's advisable to migrate to version 3.
  3. Enter Your API Key:
    • In the "Forecast" settings tab, you will see a field labeled "API Key." This is where you should enter your OpenWeatherMap API key.
    • If you don't already have an account on OpenWeatherMap, go to their website at https://openweathermap.org/ and sign up for a free account. If you have an account, log in.
    • Go to https://home.openweathermap.org/api_keys
    • Generate a New API Key and place it in the Forecast settings "API Key" field.
  4. Save Your Settings:
    • Once you have entered your API key and selected the appropriate API version, don't forget to save your settings.

Note: Weather Forecast is available only for events that have physical location with valid coordinates.