Translating Stachethemes Event Calendar version 5
General info
Please make sure your translation .po and .mo files reside in the system folder:
[ WordPress Installation ] / wp-content / languages / plugins /
Otherwise, the plugin will not load your translation.
For translation tool, we recommend the Loco Translate plugin.
The translation folder contains some pre-built language packs using Google Translation AI which can serve as a starting point.
After you have set up your .po file go to Dashboard -> Stec -> Settings -> Language and check "Enable i18n data loader":
Do not enable "Enable multilingual support" unless you have WPML or POLYLANG plugins enabled.
How to translate the calendar using the Loco Translate plugin:
1. Go to Dashboard -> Loco Translate -> Plugins
2. Click on "Stachethemes Event Calendar"
3. If you want to use some of the pre-built language packs, for example Polish, hover over "Polish" and move it to the system folder by clicking "Move":
Then select "System" as new location:
And click "Move files" button below.
Click "Edit" to start translating:
If you want to create new .po file click on "+ New Language":
It is important the language files location to be set to "System".
4. Before starting translating/editing the .po file click "Sync":
5. You can now start translating. Click "Save" after you are done.
6. Go to Dashboard -> STEC -> Settings -> Language and check "Enable i18n data loader" and click "Save Settings".
Reload the page and that's all.
Video demonstration: