
Stachethemes Event Calendar version 5 Shortcode Parameters

Calendar Shortcode Parameters

Please note that the parameters are also available in the calendar dashboard. You can access the calendar dashboard to configure and customize various settings to meet your specific needs and preferences. Here are some of the available parameters:

Calendar shortcode: [stec] or [stachethemes_ec]

Gutenberg block: /stec or click "Browse all" and navigate to the "Stachethemes" section.

Elementor widget: The calendar widgets are available under "Stachethemes" section or in "Search widget" input type "stec"

Calendar Settings:

  • calendar__layout - Calendar initial layout view
    Values: agenda, month, week, grid, boxgrid, map
  • calendar__layouts - Available layout switch buttons in the top menu
    Values: agenda, month, week, grid, boxgrid, map
  • calendar__dow - First day of the week (0 – 6)
    Values: Numeric value representing the day of the week (0 – Sunday, 1 – Monday, …, 6 – Saturday)
  • calendar__use_user_timezone - Display the events dates in user timezone ( true / false )
  • calendar__show_tz_offset - Show timezone abbreviation
    Values: true (on), false (off)
  • calendar__date_format - Date format
    Values: "stec_dmy" (day-month-year), "stec_mdy" (month-day-year), "stec_ymd" (year-month-day), "wp" (WordPress default)
  • calendar__time_format - Time format
    Values: "stec_12" (12-hour format), "stec_24" (24-hour format), "wp" (WordPress default)
  • calendar__top_enabled - Display calendar top menu ( true / false )
  • calendar__top_today_button - Show today button in the top bar
    Values: true (on), false (off)
  • calendar__top_nav_buttons - Show navigation buttons in the top bar
    Values: true (on), false (off)
  • calendar__top_datepicker_menu - Show datepicker menu in the top bar
    Values: true (on), false (off))
  • calendar__top_search_menu - Show search menu in the top bar
    Values: true (on), false (off)
  • calendar__top_filters_menu - Show filters menu in the top bar
    Values: 0 (off), 1 (toggle), 2 (static)
  • calendar__top_layouts_menu - Show layouts menu in the top bar
    Values: true (on), false (off)
  • calendar__top_inline_categories - Display categories inline below the top menu ( true / false )
  • calendar__top_categories_start_inactive - Uncheck all categories by default ( true / false )
  • calendar__open_events_in - Open events in
    Values: "calendar" (within the calendar view), "modal" (in a modal window), "single" (in a single event view), "external" (in an external link)
  • calendar__links_target - Links target
    Values: "_self" (same tab/window), "_blank" (new tab/window)

Filter Settings:

  • filter__location - Filter events by location ID
  • filter__organizer - Filter events by organizer ID
  • filter__guest - Filter events by guest ID
  • filter__category - Filter events by category ID
  • filter__calendar - Filter events by calendar ID
  • filter__min_date - Filter events by minimum date. See accepted values.
  • filter__max_date - Filter events by maximum date. See accepted values.
  • filter__start_date - Set calendar initial date. See accepted values.
  • filter__featured - Filter events by featured status
  • filter__read_permission - Filter events by read permission
  • filter__author - Filter events by author ID
  • filter__attendee - Includes only events that have the attendee in it.
    Values: attendee id, email address or “current_user”.
  • filter__events - Include only following events by ID.

Layout Settings:

  • layouts__agenda_list - Show agenda list section
    Values: true  (on), false (off)
  • layouts__agenda_list_unbound - Continue to display events, even if they fall outside the active month
    Values: true (on), false (off)
  • layouts__agenda_list_months_ahead - Requires unbound mode. How far too look for events. E.g. "60" for 5 years. Defaults to 24
  • layouts__agenda_list_limit - Number of events to display per click
  • layouts__agenda_list_next_button - Show "next" button
  • layouts__agenda_list_reverse_order - Revese events list ( newest to oldest). Values: true of false
  • layouts__agenda_slider - Show agenda slider section
    Values: true  (on), false (off)
  • layouts__grid_gutter - Grid layout gutter
    Values: Numeric value (e.g., 10, 20, etc.)
  • layouts__grid_columns - Grid layout columns
    Values: Numeric value (e.g., 2, 3, 4, etc.)
  • layouts__grid_limit - Number of events to display per click
    Values: Numeric value (e.g., 10, 20, etc.)
  • layouts__grid_unbound - Continue to display events, even if they fall outside the active month
    Values: true  (on) / false (off)
  • layouts__grid_months_ahead - Requires unbound mode. How far too look for events. E.g. "60" for 5 years. Defaults to 24
  • layouts__grid_next_button - Display "next" button in the grid layout ( true / false )
  • layouts__grid_reverse_order - Reverse events order ( newest to oldest ). Values: true or false
  • layouts__boxgrid_gutter - Boxgrid layout gutter
    Values: Numeric value (e.g., 10, 20, etc.)
  • layouts__boxgrid_columns - Boxgrid layout columns
    Values: Numeric value (e.g., 2, 3, 4, etc.)
  • layouts__boxgrid_limit - Number of events to display per click
    Values: Numeric value (e.g., 10, 20, etc.)
  • layouts__boxgrid_unbound - Continue to display events, even if they fall outside the active month
    Values: true (on), false (off)
  • layouts__boxgrid_months_ahead - Requires unbound mode. How far too look for events. E.g. "60" for 5 years. Defaults to 24
  • layouts__boxgrid_reverse_order - Reverse events order ( newest to oldest ) Values: true or false
  • layouts__month_week_force_title - Display event title on each cell in month and week layout
    Values: true (on), false (off)
  • layouts__month_week_style - Month and week layout style
    Values: "fixed", "auto"
  • layouts__map_list - Show map list section
    Values: true (on), false (off)
  • layouts__map_allow_near_me - Allow “near me” button in map layout
    Values: true (on), false (off)
  • layouts__map_proximity_ranges - Proximity ranges. Example: 1,10,100. Units are in km.
  • layouts__map_zoom - Map zoom. 1 - 16
  • layouts__map_coords - Initial map coordinates

Dashboard Settings:

  • dashboard__in_calendar - Show dashboard button in calendar
    Values: true (on), false (off)

Miscellaneous Settings:

  • misc__address_order - Address order
    Values: Comma-separated values “country,state,city,address,postal_code”
  • misc__min_allowed_year - Minimum allowed year for date navigation
    Values: Numeric value (e.g., 2000, 2010, etc.)
  • misc__max_allowed_year - Maximum allowed year for date navigation
    Values: Numeric value (e.g., 2022, 2030, etc.)

Shortcode Examples:

[stec filter__calendar=1]
[stec filter__category=101,102,103]
[stec filter__organizer="201"]
[stec calendar__layout=grid calendar__layouts="grid,boxgrid,map"]
[stec calendar__open_events_in="modal"]
[stec filter__min_date="now" filter__max_date="2_years_ahead"]
[stec filter__min_date="start_of_this_month" filter__max_date="end_of_this_month"]
[stec filter__min_date="2023-01-01" filter__max_date="2023-12-31"]