  Public Ticket #1628598
Booking Check Out asking for Shipping


  • coughlin started the conversation

    When we create a booking with tickets. All works great until we go to check out. Then we get an error that says "No Shipping Method has been selected" and we are not able to progress to the payment. 

    We cannot see any settings in WooCommerce that forces shipping, and your products do not have a shipping setting. 

    Any idea what might be the issue?

  •  857
    Zhivko replied


    Look like there is a small bug in the script. Will include the fix in the next update, but till then you can do this: 

    Open file stachethemes_event_calendar\admin\class\class.wc-booking.php and under line 18 add this line of code:


    So the whole function starting on line 14 should look like this:

    public function __construct($product) {
            $this->product_type = 'stec_bookable';

    This fix will be included in the next update.

    Stachethemes Developer

  • coughlin replied

    That line of code did fix the problem. Thank you. 

  •  94
    Valentin replied

    I'm glad everything is okay now!

    I'm really sorry for the inconvenience caused, sometimes users find bugs that elude us. I'm will make sure the bug is fixed with the next updated currently in development. 

    Stachethemes Support
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