  Public Ticket #1687067
Author Tab


  • jfed4601 started the conversation

    This Michael Sargeant, the Multimedia Manager that integrated the Stachethemes calendar to our website.

    Every time we update, we loose our Author tab, which helps us know when/time people submit events. I have worked with your before to make the author tab available for our admins when they are doing event registration.

    Can we please make the author tab available to the 2.3.9 version.It keeps disappearing and the wrong author keeps getting assigned.

    Feel free to email me directly or call me. [email protected]

  •  94
    Valentin replied

    Hello Michael, 

    I guess it will not be a problem if you already have it done. Can you show me somewhere how this tab look and what actually do? 

    Stachethemes Support
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  • jfed4601 replied

    Usually there is an author tab that shows up when we load the event.
    This was the only way we could tell what time people added their event.

  • jfed4601 replied

    But if you have any other way we can tell what time people submit an event, we are open to it.

    Thank you, Valentin.

  •  94
    Valentin replied

    I'm not sure what I'm looking at this screenshot? This is Add Event Tab?

    Stachethemes Support
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  •  94
    Valentin replied

    Who made this Author Tab for you? Can you ask him to show it for me somewhere? 

    Stachethemes Support
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  • jfed4601 replied

    Can you call me?

    There was a trouble ticket put in a while back and we got it to work.

  • jfed4601 replied

    I am available after 10:30...
    thank you so much

  •  894
    Zhivko replied

    Here's permanent solution:

    1) Open file stachethemes_event_calendar\admin\view\events\addedit.php

    Edit line 45 from:

            <?php do_action('stec_admin_addedit_event_tab'); ?>


            <?php do_action('stec_admin_addedit_event_tab', $event); ?>

    This change will be included in the next update.

    2) In your theme functions.php file add following php code:

    add_action('stec_admin_addedit_event_tab', function($event) {
        if (class_exists('Stachethemes\Stec\stachethemes_ec_main')) {
            if ($event && $event->get_approved() != "0") {
                ?><li data-tab="author"><?php _e('Author Info', 'stec'); ?></li><?php
    }); add_action('stec_admin_addedit_event_tab_content', function($event) {
        if (class_exists('Stachethemes\Stec\stachethemes_ec_main')) {
            $stec = Stachethemes\Stec\stachethemes_ec_main::get_instance();
            $path = $stec->get_path('ADMIN_VIEW') . '/events/';
            if ($event && $event->get_approved() != "0") {
                include($path . 'tabs/author.php');

    This way the author tab will be visible at all times.

    Stachethemes Developer