  Public Ticket #1687142
view - sets default view


  • Panayotis started the conversation

    When using the 

    [stachethemes_ec view="month"]

    the calendar is messed up, checked in text editor and it is not within tags


  •  94
    Valentin replied


    Look like your shortcode is wrapped in pre tag. Remove it and should be okay.

    You can see the process here: https://stachethemes.ticksy.com/article/13494/

    Stachethemes Support
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  • Panayotis replied

    I do not see any pre tags here is a screenshot of the text editor

  •  94
    Valentin replied

    Is it possible to provide me temporary wp admin access to see what is going on? You can post here privately.

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  •   Panayotis replied privately
  •  94
    Valentin replied

    Usually the pre tag show up in Text mode: 

    It should be okay now.

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  •  94
    Valentin replied

    I noticed one small css conflict that im going to fix in a moment, but if you see any when add more content just let me know.

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  • Panayotis replied

    Yeap now it looks fine.

    So in little words, not only in classic mode (and not Visual) but also text mode when inserting a text block?


  •  94
    Valentin replied

    Yeah sometimes when add shortcodes in visual mode it wrap it in pre tag and break the layout so always check in text mode.

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  •   Panayotis replied privately
  •  94
    Valentin replied

    You can try using this one:

    [stachethemes_ec views=grid view=grid min_date=2018-01-01 max_date=2018-12-31 start_date=2018-01-01]

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  •  94
    Valentin replied

    Added some css in St.Event Calendar -> Fonts & Colors -> Custom Styles:

    body .stec-top .stec-top-menu-search .stec-top-search-form input { height: auto; line-height: 1; }

    There was a little conflict in the search bar. Updating the calendar will not affect it.

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  • Panayotis replied

    I also saw that when there is no events (as per page I sent you earlier) and the width is at the point when the layouts (Grid, Agenda ...and so on) are grouped in a hamburger menu ...when you click on Agenda after, clicking again on the hamburger menu, the items go behind the footer, unless you "play" a little bit with margins and paddings...but it could cause other challenges.

    It shouldn't be a problem as you assume that you fill the calendar with events and content...but just a heads up ;-)

    Thanks a lot for your quick response and support 

  •  94
    Valentin replied

    It should be okay now. Add this style to the Custom Styles tab:

    .l-canvas { overflow: visible !important; }

    Look like some of your theme elements are missing overflows. In case you experience it again in the future with something else.

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  • Panayotis replied

    Hi Shall I continue here with another problem (not related to views) or shall I open a new ticket?


  •  94
    Valentin replied

    Here is fine Whats going on?

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  • Panayotis replied

    Well actually I have 2 questions:

    1, the easier one ;-) ... before buying the plugin I asked about its compatibility with WPML and I have been assured that it is compatible. Well it seems, but I do not know how to translate events...in both languages (in the back end) it shows me the same content in Greek (my client's second primary language)

    1a. By using the WPML traditional editor, it seems it doesn't work properly as it is not translating it correctly (structure of the page) Page in English and page in Greek (or you can change the flag language)

    2. I created an event (an old one expired) and

    2a. It acts wired on the frontend (if you want to check same page: go to November/December 2017)

    2b. General settings --> open event in Single page --> first click --> it opens it within the calendar (but badly, offset is off) -->click on the event within the calendar -->result= 404

    2c. Event Settings --> Hide end Date (not ticked) --> front end I can't see the end date (or perhaps I am not looking in the right direction) PS ... is it possible in case to Hide as well Start Date?

    For the time being these....I am "playing" a little bit around and I will update in case.

    PSS. same credentials as in previous private threads


  •  94
    Valentin replied

    There are no known issues with the WPML support so far and I will make sure the developer to check what is going on as well as other issues you are having there, I'm pretty sure it's conflict of some sort.

    Unfortunately this will happen tomorrow morning, it's getting quite late here now, meanwhile if you notice anything else just post here.

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  • Panayotis replied


    thanks. Speak you tomorrow!

  •  901
    Zhivko replied


    WPML support for "stec_event" post type was not enabled and that's why when chaning languages nothing happened. I've enabled it from Dashboard -> WPML -> Settings.

    Is it possible to provide me with ftp access to check the other problems?

    Stachethemes Developer

  •   Panayotis replied privately
  • Panayotis replied

    I have added a tab element in the page test we share to show you as well how the shortcode [stachethemes_ec view="grid" show_top=0] the one I tried as I would like to insert it at the front page inside a tab.

    I tried as well to add .l-canvas { overflow: visible !important; } as suggested but it doesn't help.


  •  901
    Zhivko replied

    404 Page should be fixed now. If for some reason this happen again go to Dashboard -> Settings -> Permalinks and click "Save" without making any changes.

    To add second language:

    1. Create event in english with all its data.

    2. In Manage Events list click "Duplicate" button. Popup window will show up with available languages. Select "greek". 

    3. Switch your dashboard language to greek and you will see the duplicated event in Manage Events.

    I've added following code in your theme functions.php file:

    add_action('wp_footer', function() {
        <script type="text/javascript">
                    $('.w-tabs-item').on('click', function(){
        <?php });

    This will show the calendar when switching tabs.

    End date seems to be a bug I still haven't figured out yet but it will be fixed soon.

    Stachethemes Developer

  • Panayotis replied

    I saw that the tab is now working, but it has lost its initial animation, could that be fixed or is a pain?


  • Panayotis replied

    And one more thing (sorry man)..

    I checked the tabs in mobile device and they do the same as before.

    Here is the screenshot

  • Panayotis replied

    And again ...:(

    I can't change the background of 

    stec-top-dropmenu-layouts background and hover

  •  901
    Zhivko replied

    How about now?

    Stachethemes Developer

  • Panayotis replied

    It acts all wired on mobile device:

    1. it says to me there are no events when pressing the tabs (in grid layout), while on the month layout there is

    2. and another wired thing is that the width (responsiveness on mobile devices) got lost, I mean from mobile devices you can swipe left-right and you can see a black horizontal bar on the left side when reaching the limit --> you can check it as well when you enter the developer console (ctrl+shift+I in chrome).

    But here is as well a couple of screenshot from mobile device

  • Panayotis replied


    I know it is getting late and the weekend is approaching.

    As I have to make the presentation on Monday and I would like to use your plugin we can do the following:

    1. The width on mobile it is not a big deal for Monday (but we need to be sure it can be fixed)

    2. It is important that the events can be seen ( I noticed now that in the event single page the event goes under the menu --> I guess it is a reaction of the code you put in the function) in the tabs, otherwise I will not be able to use the plugin in the front page for showing it --> if we can't do it, I can keep the front page as it is and use only your plugin for the event page (but again I need to be ensured that we will make it works correctly)

    3. I will populate with more events as well during the weekend so to have a better vision of everything

    In the meantime I suggest:1. If we can't make it work for this weekend (the tabs and width) could you please remove the code you put related to this in the functions so to revert the site as it used to be responsiveness. And we can work it back from Monday, but again in order to show the final site, I need to be ensured that we can fix it.


  • Panayotis replied

    PS ..background and hover are ok now!


  •  901
    Zhivko replied


    1) What is the problem with the width on mobile? Could you provide me with screenshot to check it out?

    2) Event single page does not have a menu? ( screenshot attached ) 

    I've just disabled the code I've placed earlier in functions.php

    Stachethemes Developer

  • Panayotis replied

    There was something with the code you put and you remove.

    It nulled all headers and footers.

    As I was working on the site and suddenly I didn't see any headers and footers --> went to theme settings and everything was "do not display" so I tick them back

    As the site goes to demonstration tomorrow, if you want we can test it on a dummy site with same plugins and theme, so that we do not jeopardize the ready to be live site.

    I will send you the links once created.

    Regarding the width of the mobile, on every page that I put your shortcode:

    1. if you swipe to the right it happens this http://prntscr.com/kn09gw
    2. if you swipe to the left it happens this http://prntscr.com/kn09qb

  • Panayotis replied


    I am back.

    Sorry for this delay...but I was working on another project as well.

    I created a staging environment so that we can "play" a little bit around.

    Only one little problem

    • Week view on load it is really narrow and when clicking on a link (on the top header) it becomes "normal"

    On loading here is the screenshot

    after have clicked on the top header of the calendar here is the screenshot 

    And when I open the single event page, image is far too big and GMaps doesn't load + I can't see the header of the event (I guess it is hidden behind the site's header) + can I open single page events in a new window?

    When you contact me back I will give you credentials for log in.


  •  94
    Valentin replied

    Good Morning,

    I'm sorry for the delay, we are busy with the release of update 2.4 right now.

    From the look of it you have css conflicts with your theme which use global styles for some reason. If you give me access to the page I can tell you which classes are the problem.

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