  Public Ticket #1731794
best practise


  • Amanda started the conversation

    Ok i am familiar with creating calendars/categories/events... 

    What it your opinion is the best way to tackle the following:

    if i have categories of say 1.sports, and 2.languages, but there are sub-cats to sports of: 1.1archery, 1.2badminton, 1.3football, 1.4fitness, etc and sub-cats of 2.languages, of: 2.1French, 2.2German, 2.3Spanish etc

    I would like to be able to show both a calendar with ALL sub-cats events.

    but i would also like to show a calendar of a single category and sub-cats... eg Just Languages, or Just French (ok this one i know how to)

    (i might be asking and answering my own question here... ) Is the answer that all sub-cats really are just categories. And i would have to manually group them by selecting a range of id#'s ?

    thanks for any thoughts,

  •  94
    Valentin replied

    Good Morning Amanda,

    The categories feature was created as customer request and work as it is and there are not many options in it. That been said, we are constantly working on new updates even now and if you have any suggestions or recommendations we are always open.

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