Comments virginiarae78 started the conversationNovember 3, 2018 at 3:20amHi there,Where do I go to edit the email notifications?ThanksVirginia 894Zhivko repliedNovember 8, 2018 at 8:19amHi,Sorry for the delay.You can edit the reminder email content via wordpress filters. In your theme functions.php file add following filter: add_filter('stec_mail_remind_subject', function($init_subject) { $init_subject = __("You have requested remind for stec_replace_event_summary", 'stec'); return $init_subject;}); add_filter('stec_mail_remind_message', function($init_message) { $init_message = __("You have requested remind for stec_replace_event_summary.\n\n" . "Event date: stec_replace_event_timespan.\n\n" . "For more info visit stec_replace_siteurl.", "stec"); return $init_message;}); Stachethemes Developer Sign in to reply ...
Hi there,
Where do I go to edit the email notifications?
Sorry for the delay.
You can edit the reminder email content via wordpress filters.
In your theme functions.php file add following filter:
Stachethemes Developer