Comments 2David started the conversationNovember 5, 2018 at 10:47amHello can you supply me with the functions.php code that will have the All Day event tick box UN-TICKED as most events are not all day, they are a certain time starting and finish. 901Zhivko repliedNovember 8, 2018 at 11:56amOpen file stachethemes_event_calendar\admin\view\events\tabs\general.php and replace line 112 with: Admin_Html::html_checkbox('all_day', ($event ? ($event->get_all_day() ? 1 : 0) : 0), 0, __('All Day', 'stec')); Stachethemes Developer 2David repliedNovember 8, 2018 at 12:02pmPerfect, worked. Thank you Sign in to reply ...
can you supply me with the functions.php code that will have the All Day event tick box UN-TICKED as most events are not all day, they are a certain time starting and finish.
Open file stachethemes_event_calendar\admin\view\events\tabs\general.php and replace line 112 with:
Stachethemes Developer
Perfect, worked. Thank you