Comments 2David started the conversationNovember 21, 2018 at 9:05amWhen Checking for updates... it just hangs, does not come back with updates found or you have most recent version. 94Valentin repliedNovember 24, 2018 at 9:15amSometimes this happen of on some servers. If so try to do this: Support My Time Zone is GMT+3 Envato Profile | Facebook | Twitter | Newsletter | Rate & Review 2David repliedMay 21, 2019 at 1:10pmHello,This update page no longer works for manual update, &stec_manual_update 2David repliedMay 21, 2019 at 1:56pmAlso, whats the short code for adding projects, I have created a new event page but its not showing when I put [project_id=5] 902Zhivko repliedMay 25, 2019 at 11:39amChange &stec_manual_update to &stec_manual_update=1 Also, whats the short code for adding projects, I have created a new event page but its not showing when I put [project_id=5] If you are talking about the new submit an event form the shortcode is: [stec_builder project_type=event_submission_form]If you want to display specific form you can use the attribute project_id: [stec_builder project_type=event_submission_form project_id=1]where the project_id is the submission form id.Or you can set it from General Settings -> Event submission tab -> Default form. Stachethemes Developer Sign in to reply ...
When Checking for updates... it just hangs, does not come back with updates found or you have most recent version.
Sometimes this happen of on some servers. If so try to do this:
Stachethemes Support
My Time Zone is GMT+3
Envato Profile | Facebook | Twitter | Newsletter | Rate & Review
This update page no longer works for manual update, &stec_manual_update
Also, whats the short code for adding projects, I have created a new event page but its not showing when I put [project_id=5]
Change &stec_manual_update to &stec_manual_update=1
Also, whats the short code for adding projects, I have created a new event page but its not showing when I put [project_id=5]If you are talking about the new submit an event form the shortcode is:
If you want to display specific form you can use the attribute project_id:
where the project_id is the submission form id.
Or you can set it from General Settings -> Event submission tab -> Default form.
Stachethemes Developer