The category names have been created before the iCal import and are the same name.
Can you tell me where in wp database table and column that category can be added to a post? Have bulk of 300+ events that I need to assign between 4 or 5 categories.
Which tables and columns are they stored against? Are the categories free text or use an Id ?
Hi, I have same issue as ticket 1872060 importing iCal events, that the category is not being respected.
The category names have been created before the iCal import and are the same name.
Can you tell me where in wp database table and column that category can be added to a post? Have bulk of 300+ events that I need to assign between 4 or 5 categories.
Which tables and columns are they stored against? Are the categories free text or use an Id ?
The categories are inserted with following code:
$this->id - the event id
$this->categories - Categories id (array)
stec_event_category - the taxonomy
You can check the code in file stachethemes_event_calendar/admin/class/o.event.php line 910.
In the database they can be found in tables:
wp_terms, wp_term_taxonomy and wp_term_relationships
Stachethemes Developer
thanks. Got round it by importing into a new google calendar then subscribing to that from WP