  Public Ticket #1979681
Can I hide fields from Create Event entry page?


  •  3
    Graeme started the conversation


    I want to create a page that certain users who manage bookings can update and delete events.

    I did the shortcode [stachethemes_ec_create_form cal=1]

    I want to know how I can hide fields using CSS display:none that I will not need?

    Also I have set the calendar to be able for events to be added without authorisation from admin, if above contributor level. Although contributor cannot add events to calendar from main page or when using form it always seems to send the events for approval to admin.

    Please help

  •  901
    Zhivko replied


    In add/edit page for calendar #1 uncheck the checkbox at the bottom "Require approval..."

    Example hiding the submit form's event title field via css:

    /* Hide title */
    .stec-layout-event-create-form-inner form > p:nth-child(1) {
        display: none; } .stec-layout-event-create-form-inner form > input[type="text"]:nth-child(2) {
        display: none;

    The submit form fields can also be manipulated via the wordpress filter stec-create-event-form-front. 


    add_filter('stec-create-event-form-front', function($form) {
         return $form;

    Note the current submit form will be removed in the next version of the calendar and will be replaced by drag & drop form.

    Stachethemes Developer

  •  3
    Graeme replied

    Hi, I've used the following CSS to try to hide the image upload field.

    The custom CSS hides the title of the field, but the input field is still visible.

    /* Hide Image Upload */
    .stec-layout-event-create-form-inner form > p:nth-child(7) {
        display: none;
    .stec-layout-event-create-form-inner form > input[type="text"]:nth-child(8) {
        display: none;

    How and where can I filter or remove the input fields? The CSS is just removing the title of the field.


  •  901
    Zhivko replied

    Which fields you need removed?

    Stachethemes Developer

  •  3
    Graeme replied


    I’d love it if, could hide or not display

    Image Upload, Category, Color, Counter.

  •  3
    Graeme replied

    Could I also included event location and location longitude and latitude co-ordinates and checkbox to use coordinates please as well

  •  94
    Valentin replied


    I'm really sorry for the delay, we are preparing our next big update to go live.

    The said update will introduce our new visual drag and drop builder where you will can create your own event submission forms. Removing most of the fields that are not required for an event to be added.

    It should go live later today or tomorrow.

    Stachethemes Support
    My Time Zone is GMT+3

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  •  3
    Graeme replied

    that’s great thanks. I can wait for update. 

  •  94
    Valentin replied

    Here is a small demonstration of the builder. Doing the final testing today.

    Stachethemes Support
    My Time Zone is GMT+3

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