  Public Ticket #2077530
Front-end and top-menu


  • TheInnocent started the conversation

    Hello! So I was wondering if its possible to remove "Get Directions" bottom area from location. 

    Also add the category tags or calendars as links and color in top menu instead dropdown or a way to show the diffrent colors of the categorys on calendar view.

    And lastly view Calendars name with color like a tag in the hover with time and location


  •  94
    Valentin replied

    Good Morning,

    You can hide the Get Directions section with css display:none for example, there is no turn off switch in the admin. About the rest unfortunately this can't happen at the moment with the way filter is designed. Will add this as an idea in the to do list and may do it in the upcoming update.

    Stachethemes Support
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  • TheInnocent replied

    So its not possible to change/edit event preview?

    Image: http://prntscr.com/ody37s

  •  94
    Valentin replied

    What you mean by "change/edit"? If you mean the layout structure, no you can't do that without editing the HTML/CSS. You can change the fonts and colors, but at this point that's it. We already have planed to make this structure changes possible for the event single page in the builder, but it's still under development.

    Stachethemes Support
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  • TheInnocent replied

    Okey, thanks! Last question, is it possible to cancel an event? 

  •  94
    Valentin replied

    Right now I'm working on new update that among all other things will include Cancel Event option that will notify all attendees and organizers via e-mail that the event is canceled. I hope the update to be live to the end of the next week.

    Stachethemes Support
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  • TheInnocent replied

    Oh great, btw is it possible to get Attendance list printed or sorted with the people that attend?

    Also is it possible to just show google maps location and not directions? Because it costs 10$/month to use that service with geocoding and directions api. 

  •  94
    Valentin replied


    I'm really sorry for the delay. There is no print option currently, but I will pass this to the developer while the update is still under development and see if can happen in this release.

    About the Location. This section is scheduled to be re-designed after the Google changes and we want to add more free options that are available. Right now you can probably just hide the direction section with css.

    Stachethemes Support
    My Time Zone is GMT+3

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  •  1
    Ken replied

    Can you provide the CSS to hide the direction section?

  •  902
    Zhivko replied


    /* calendar */
    .stec-layout-event-inner-location-left p:nth-child(3),
    .stec-layout-event-inner-location-left input {
      display: none !important;
    } /* single */
    .stec-layout-single-location-left {
      float: left;
      width: 100% !important;
    .stec-layout-single-location-right {
      display: none !important;

    Stachethemes Developer