Comments maluhia808 started the conversationSeptember 2, 2019 at 7:46pmI cannot find the events tab. Under calendar it doesnt seem to appear where it should be. Did I buy the right product. I am new to your company and I got it really just for the events to display them 902Zhivko repliedSeptember 3, 2019 at 8:10pmIf you don't have calendars created, the events tab won't appear.Make sure you have created at least one calendar. Stachethemes Developer Sign in to reply ...
I cannot find the events tab. Under calendar it doesnt seem to appear where it should be. Did I buy the right product. I am new to your company and I got it really just for the events to display them
If you don't have calendars created, the events tab won't appear.
Make sure you have created at least one calendar.
Stachethemes Developer