  Public Ticket #2154191


  • Berengere Leroy started the conversation


    I managed to get my goole map API key and put it in my general setting but maps still don't show up ... Can you help me ?

    And I'd like that my day cells are less hight. How I can do that ?



  •  906
    Zhivko replied


    Do you have event with location set because I can't find any on your front-end calendar?

    Cells height in month view are fixed height. It's not possible to change the height at least for now.

    Stachethemes Developer

  • Berengere Leroy replied

    I deleted every of them. I'll put in 5 mn some of them. So you'll can try. And I didn't manage to have the map on the right instad of the bottom. If you can also have a look ...?

  •  906
    Zhivko replied

    Your api key is not configured properly on Google's end. Make sure your api is configued to use to the Google Geocoding Service.

    If you check the browser console there's this error showing:

    js?key=AIzaSyBblWiUINi4XO5Q4akg_NsA3rSPpheSAmw&ver=ea3494:58 Geocoding Service: This API project is not authorized to use this API.  For more information on authentication and Google Maps JavaScript API services please see: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key

    Stachethemes Developer

  • Berengere Leroy replied

    Great !!! It's working ! Now may I display the map on the right instead of the bottom ?

    And other point : I don't want locations and features in my filter (just need calendar and category), can I disable them ?

    Thank you

  •  906
    Zhivko replied

    This is the custom css you need:

    .stec-media-med .stec-layout-event-inner-location.active {
        display: flex !important;
    } .stec-top-menu-filter-by-featured,
    .stec-top-menu-filter-by-location {
        display: none !important;

    Stachethemes Developer

  • Berengere Leroy replied

    Thank you very much. It's perfect on desktop but filters are all still there on mobile ...

  •  906
    Zhivko replied

    Make sure it's not browser cache.

    Stachethemes Developer

  • Berengere Leroy replied

    Yes, it's working too. Thank you so much.

  • Berengere Leroy replied


    New question ... If I change the color of my calendar, it doesn't change the events color already  add. Is it normal ?

  •   Berengere Leroy replied privately
  •  906
    Zhivko replied


    Do you have access to your php.ini config file?

    As the error says set_time_limit is disabled in your php server configuration. Either enable this setting or open file stachethemes_event_calendar\assets\php\class.import.php and delete line 115:


    Stachethemes Developer