  Public Ticket #2215850


  • Nova72 started the conversation


    I like that you can invite your members to free events and have them RSVP but I'm a bit confused by Attendance. When I sell a ticket the purchaser doesn't show up on my attendee list?

    Some of my events will be free to members but ticketed for non members so I'd like to be able to export a list of all attendees not just those who RSVP'd



  •  902
    Zhivko replied


    The Tickets and Attendance list are not linked. If you purchase ticket you won't be automatically listed as attendee.

    As of version 2.8.0 there's filter which can help you do this.

    If you want to add a customer to the attendees list when they purchase ticket add the code I've attached to your theme functions.php file at the bottom. 

    Note: unzip the file and copy the code inside the text file.

    Additional note: If the order is cancelled for some reason you will have to manually remove the attendee from the event's attendance list as it will not automatically remove them.

    Stachethemes Developer