  Public Ticket #2233885
Boxgrid view and default event values


  • Jonathan Marboux started the conversation

    Hi! you can ignore my previous comment(on the envatopage) since I found the issue, but I do have other questions:

    1. Is there a reason the front-end submission button does not show in the calendar in Boxgrid View? I would like to use that view AND allow people to add new submissions. Since there is no shortcode to create a separate submission page, I really need this to work.

    2. Is there a way to assign default values to event options in the backend so that we wouldn't have to enable them manually? RSVP is one example of this. The date being displayed on an event boxgrid instead of an icon is another one.

    3. I would like to edit some text on the FrontEnd submission form but I can't find the right file. For example, I would like to replace the prefilled text (hints) in the fields.

    4. On the Single Page event, 'Open Map' and 'Get Directions' don't seem to work.

  •  902
    Zhivko replied


    1. To display the submit form use this shortcode 

    [stec_builder project_type=event_submission_form]

    2. You will have edit two files.

    2.1.  stachethemes_event_calendar\view\admin\events\tabs\general.php

    line 24:

               ), $event ? $event->get_icon_type() : 'date', true);

    2.2. stachethemes_event_calendar\view\admin\events\tabs\attendance.php

    line 15:

                , $event ? $event->get_rsvp() : 1, true);

    3. You will have to use the Builder to create your own form.

    3.1. Go to Dashboard -> Calendar -> Builder

    3.2. Click open list button and edit the Default form.

    Note: after saving the form, you're actually saving a duplicate since the default form can't be overriden.

    3.3. When you save the form go to Dashboard -> Calendar -> General -> Event Submission tab and select the new form as a default form.

    4. Check your browser console for errors realated to the map. I suspect your js maps api key does not have access to the Googles Directions API. Make sure Directions API is enabled for this api key (from google's developer console)

    Stachethemes Developer

  • Jonathan Marboux replied

    Hi there Zhivko,

    Thank you very much for the help, you really helped me out.

    I'm kind of new this wordpress/php thing so I may have some more questions in the future.

    I have tried a few other plugins for events but decided to stick with yours since I find it the most adequate, especially for this price. So thank you very much.

    1. I think you misunderstood question number 3 though. I did create a form myself, and added headings and paragraphs in order to explain what people have to put into the fields. Bear in mind that my audience is dutch-speaking so english isn't their forte. 
    So, each field in the created form, had an indication in the form itself of what has to be put in it.
    For example: 'short description' or 'event title'. I would like to translate these 'hints' IN the fields. EDIT: found the file 'inc.js-locale.php' where I could change everything, but it still didn't change the HINTS in the form fields.

    2. In the submission form, one HAS TO choose a calender for the submission. In my case, we all use the same one. Is there a possibility to add that single calender as default so it doesn't have to be chosen in the submission form?

    3. I have done some tests with the answers you provided me for question 2. Even though I changed the values to what you told me to, it doesn't seem to work. I create a new event with a front end submission form in which users DO NOT have to chooses RSVP. They make the event and when you visit it, there is no RSVP, so the attendence isn't enabled by default. Same with the 'date' setting, except that in this case it seems to be enabled in admin, but you need to click the 'update event' button in order to get it displayed.

    *EDIT: So the date is set when creating the event from the calendar but not from the shortcode form.

    Thanks in advance!



  •  902
    Zhivko replied

    1. These hints can be translated with gettext editor (poedit for example) or some free plugin like Loco Translate. They are translated under text domain "stec". Screenshot attached.

    2. Add this filter in your theme functions.php file and change the calendar_id value to your actual calendar id.

    add_filter('stec_builder_front_elements', function($elements){
        $calendar_id = 1; // Set default calendar id
        $elements['calendar'] = array(
            sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="calendar_id" value="%d" />', (int) $calendar_id)
        return $elements;

    3. Is it possible to provide me with wp-admin to check if the changes are applied correctly?

    Stachethemes Developer