  Public Ticket #2235255
Displaying more than 3 events in monthly calendar view


  • tomtyterry started the conversation

    This is located on an internal website so I can't share the URL but, I'd like to display 4 events in monthly calendar view instead of 3.  Also, is it possible to show just the work week in monthly view?  See attachment.


  •  910
    Zhivko replied


    The design at the moment is such that only 3 events can be displayed and all extra events will be shown as +n at the bottom. Week view does not have this restriction. 

    To remove sunday and saturday add this code in your theme functions.php file at the bottom:

    // Removes sunday and saturday from month view
    // Note to work properly set in General settings -> First day of the week to monday
    add_action('stec_after_html', function() {
        <script type="text/javascript">
            (function ($) {
                $.stecExtend(function (m) {
                    m.$instance.$month.find('.stec-layout-month-daylabel td:gt(4)').hide();
                    m.$instance.$month.find('.stec-layout-month-daylabel td:eq(4)').css({
                        borderTopRightRadius: 3,
                        borderRight: 'none'
                    });                 m.$instance.$month.find('.stec-layout-month-weekrow').each(function () {
                    });                 m.$instance.$month.find('.stec-layout-month-eventholder > td').prop('colspan', 5);             });

    Stachethemes Developer