Comments 1Patrick started the conversationDecember 17, 2019 at 4:56amHi there,on the confirmation site there is an information for the client I want to hide: "Repeat Offset: 0" (see attachment).How can I do this?Thanks and best regards, Patrick 902Zhivko repliedDecember 19, 2019 at 9:14amHi,Go to your theme functions.php file and at the bottom add following filter: add_filter('woocommerce_order_item_get_formatted_meta_data', function($meta, $instance) { if (false === ($instance instanceof \WC_Order_Item_Product)) { return $meta; } if ('1' !== get_post_meta($instance->get_product_id(), 'stec_bookable', true)) { return $meta; } $filtered_meta = array(); if (is_array($meta)) { $skip = array('Repeat Offset'); foreach ($meta as $var) { if (in_array($var->display_key, $skip)) { continue; } $filtered_meta[] = $var; } } return $filtered_meta;}, 11, 3); In the next version we'll remove this variable by default so you can remove the filter after the update. Stachethemes Developer Sign in to reply ...
Hi there,
on the confirmation site there is an information for the client I want to hide: "Repeat Offset: 0" (see attachment).
How can I do this?
Thanks and best regards, Patrick
Go to your theme functions.php file and at the bottom add following filter:
In the next version we'll remove this variable by default so you can remove the filter after the update.
Stachethemes Developer