  Public Ticket #2261248
how can I prevent the PROPOSE AN EVENT button from appearing on the calendar page? I should display the next events in a narrow section (see on the right of the page) which is not suitable for containing the form, especially from a mobile phone, so I would prefer to link to a larger specific page. Or pilot the button that appears by sending it to a specific page. Thank you hide "propose an event"


  • cnafc started the conversation

    how can I prevent the PROPOSE AN EVENT button from appearing on the calendar page?

    I should display the next events in a narrow section (see on the right of the page) which is not suitable for containing the form, especially from a mobile phone, so I would prefer to link to a larger specific page.
    Or pilot the button that appears by sending it to a specific page.
    Thank you

  •  906
    Zhivko replied


    Go to Dashboard -> St. Event Calendar -> General -> Event Submission tab and set "Display event submission form in Calendar" to "No"

    Stachethemes Developer