  Public Ticket #2307547
Text Color Glitch in Calendar


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    Sarah Flatto Manasrah started the conversation


    I am opening a new ticket as I did not get a timely reply on my last ticket. The text colors of some events on my calendar are the same as the background colors, so no text is showing up at all. I would like all the text color to be either black or white. https://tkiya.org/test-brooklyn-queens-calendar/ 

    Also, I would like to know how to change the word "category" on the drop down bar into something else.

    Finally, I would like to make the check mark boxes bigger on the drop down menu. Thank you!


  •  1
    Sarah Flatto Manasrah replied

    Hello, I am just following up on this. This is an urgent problem as we want our calendar to go live as soon as possible. Please get back to me soon, thanks!

    I made a new calendar and the text color / background color problem is still there :(

