  Public Ticket #2412142
Fixes and Customization


  • Jairo Zeitel started the conversation

    Hi, do you have any documentation for developers? I need to make small changes and translations and would like to know more details.

    My requirements:

    1- When I'm on Agenda view, I need to be open the single event in different ways: When clicking on event name, it opens in Single page; clicking on the + sign: open in the same page; clicking on the picture/icon: open in popup.  Right now it's only one option for any click location.

    2- Very important: On the event page I need to be able to change the way it shows the added products from woocommerce, I'll be working with Auctions, so I need products in a grid format, without the cart icon and need a button to Bid;Wishlist;Quickview. Please see attached Pict1

    3- Need to translate everything or change some titles (Shop on tabs needs to be changed to Lots).

    4- I can't remove the Schedule tab on the event details, even if there's no assigned schedule.

    5- Change the content of the event grid (bottom part): remove the cart icon and name of the product, and keep the total number of items (Lots). Please see pict 2

    Thanks for any help.  Appreciate it.


    By the way, EXCELLENT plugin, loving it!!!

  •  902
    Zhivko replied


    (1 , 5) Place this code in your theme functions.php file.

    The code adds the agenda view functionallity you've requested along with the grid view Lots count.

    add_action('wp_footer', function() {
        <script type="text/javascript">         (function ($) {             if (typeof $.stecExtend === 'undefined') {
                }             /**
                 * Agenda view mod
                 * Title click -> Single page _BLANK
                 * Icon image click -> Modal open
                $.stecExtend(function (m) {                 $(document).on('click', '.stec-layout-event-preview-left-text-title', function (e) {                     if ('agenda' === m.glob.options.view) {
                            var $event = $(this).parents('.stec-layout-event').first();
                            var eventId = $event.data('id');
                            var offset = $event.data('repeat-time-offset');
                            var event = m.calData.getEventById(eventId);
                            var permalink = m.helper.getPermalink(event.permalink, offset);                         if ($event.hasClass('active')) {
                            }                         window.open(permalink, '_blank');
                        }                 });                 $(document).on('click', '.stec-layout-event-preview-left-icon-images', function (e) {                     if ('agenda' === m.glob.options.view) {
                            var defaultTemplate = m.glob.template.eventInner;
                            var defaultOpen = m.glob.options.general_settings.open_event_in;
                            var $event = $(this).parents('.stec-layout-event').first();
                            var $template = $(m.glob.template.eventInner);                         if ($event.hasClass('active')) {
                            }                         $event.find(".stec-layout-event-inner").remove();                         $template.addClass('stec-modal');
                            m.glob.template.eventInner = $template.get(0).outerHTML;
                            m.glob.options.general_settings.open_event_in = 'modal';
                            m.eventsHandler.eventToggle($event);                         m.glob.template.eventInner = defaultTemplate;
                            m.glob.options.general_settings.open_event_in = defaultOpen;                     }                 });             });             /**
                 * Grid view mod
                 * Lots : X
                $.stecExtend(function (m) {                 if ('grid' === m.glob.options.view) {                     $.each(m.$instance.$grid.find('.stec-layout-grid-event.stec-has-products'), function () {                         var event, lots;                         if ($(this).data('lots')) {
                                return true; // continue;
                            event = m.calData.getEventById($(this).data('id'));
                            lots = event.products.length;
                            $(this).find('.stec-layout-grid-has-products').text('Lots: ' + lots);
                            $(this).data('lots', true);
                    }             }, 'afterFillEvents');
            })(window.jQuery);     </script>

    2) That's probably the most tricky part... This would require complete rework of the shop section and unfortunately I can't help you with that since the support does not cover customizations of such scope. I'd suggest you to check https://studio.envato.com/ for this customization.

    The files that need to be edited are:

    • stachethemes_event_calendar\assets\js\front\adds\shop.js
    • stachethemes_event_calendar\assets\js\front\stec-single.js ( line 1030 - 1150 )
    • stachethemes_event_calendar\view\front\tabs\shop.php
    • stachethemes_event_calendar\view\front\tabs\single.shop.php

    along with the css and the back-end handlers...

    3) To translate the calendar text I'd recommend you to use the Loco Translate plugin.

    4) Double-check in add / edit event the schedule tab. If the problem persists I'll need wp-admin to check what's going on.

    Stachethemes Developer

  •  1
    Jairo replied

    Hello and thanks for the answers.

    Will work on the customization (do you suggest a developer? Maybe someone you know with experience on your plugin?) 

    Thanks for the the code you supplied.

    The loco translation worked well!

    I'm having a compatibility problem with iBid theme (auctions) or YITH wishlist, see pict 1-Stachedtheme deativated and pict 2-activated

    Please see their support answer: 

    4. The Wishlist icon disappeared because of the Stachethemes Event Calendar plugins. After I've deactivate it the icon appears, please have a new check.

    Any suggestion?

    If you want to check the site,

    Site URL: http://www.mercadoagrodigital.com/wp-admin

    User: test

    Password: test1234!@#$

    Thanks again!

  •  902
    Zhivko replied


    I guess any developer that knows WooCommerce could do it.

    The problem with the icons is your site is using Font-Awesome 4 but the calendar makes use of Font-Awesome 5 so I had to place the following code in your child theme functions.php file:

    add_action('stec_load_calendar_scripts', function() {
        $stec = \Stachethemes\Stec\Stachethemes_Event_Calendar::get_instance();
        $stec->add_asset_js("stec-fa-compat", "js/front/fa-back-compat.js");

    This files makes backward compatability for FontAwesome 4 icons.

    Stachethemes Developer

  •  1
    Jairo replied

    Hello again :)

    The icon is fixed, thanks!

    1- Regarding the code, it works very well, but when I click on the  picture/icon it does not open in popup, opens like the + sign, on the same page.  Can you, please fix that?

    2- Can I use the code in the functions.php from the child theme? Instead of main theme where it could be replaced.

    3- Need to control what buttons and badges says, please see attached picture. The button says: Ongoing now, but the badge says: Coming Soon.

    4- Is there a way to move all expired/ended events to a different calendar? For example: Past Ended Events calendar that will show in another page.

    AWESOME support!

    Thanks a lot!

  •  2
    Stephane031 replied

    Thx I had the same problem with the social icons !

  •  902
    Zhivko replied

    The current code opens in popup if you click image icons only.

    1) Here's the updated one that will open any icon type in popup:

    add_action('wp_footer', function() {
        <script type="text/javascript">
            (function ($) {
                if (typeof $.stecExtend === 'undefined') {
                 * Agenda view mod
                 * Title click -> Single page _BLANK
                 * Icon image click -> Modal open
                $.stecExtend(function (m) {
                    $(document).on('click', '.stec-layout-event-preview-left-text-title', function (e) {
                        if ('agenda' === m.glob.options.view) {
                            var $event = $(this).parents('.stec-layout-event').first();
                            var eventId = $event.data('id');
                            var offset = $event.data('repeat-time-offset');
                            var event = m.calData.getEventById(eventId);
                            var permalink = m.helper.getPermalink(event.permalink, offset);
                            if ($event.hasClass('active')) {
                            window.open(permalink, '_blank');
                    $(document).on('click', '.stec-layout-event-preview-left-icon', function (e) {
                        if ('agenda' === m.glob.options.view) {
                            var defaultTemplate = m.glob.template.eventInner;
                            var defaultOpen = m.glob.options.general_settings.open_event_in;
                            var $event = $(this).parents('.stec-layout-event').first();
                            var $template = $(m.glob.template.eventInner);
                            if ($event.hasClass('active')) {
                            m.glob.template.eventInner = $template.get(0).outerHTML;
                            m.glob.options.general_settings.open_event_in = 'modal';
                            m.glob.template.eventInner = defaultTemplate;
                            m.glob.options.general_settings.open_event_in = defaultOpen;
                 * Grid view mod
                 * Lots : X
                $.stecExtend(function (m) {
                    if ('grid' === m.glob.options.view) {
                        $.each(m.$instance.$grid.find('.stec-layout-grid-event.stec-has-products'), function () {
                            var event, lots;
                            if ($(this).data('lots')) {
                                return true; // continue;
                            event = m.calData.getEventById($(this).data('id'));
                            lots = event.products.length;
                            $(this).find('.stec-layout-grid-has-products').text('Lots: ' + lots);
                            $(this).data('lots', true);
                }, 'afterFillEvents');

    2) You can place it in your child theme functions.php file. That's even recommended if you use child theme.

    3) The badge you've mentioned is part of your png image:


    4) It's not possible since some events can be repeated indefinetely and one event can be expired and upcoming at the same time.

    However, you can set in your shortcode to display events for certain timespan:


    Upcoming events only:

    [stachethemes_ec upcoming_only=1]

    Today + Upcoming events (until 2021)

    [stachethemes_ec min_date=today max_date=2021-01-01]

    Expired events only:

    [stachethemes_ec expired_only=1]

    Place the following function in your child theme functions.php file to include the filter for repeated events as well.

     * Function to include min_date and max_date filter for repeated events
    add_action('wp_footer', function() {
        <script type="text/javascript">
            (function ($) {             if (typeof $.stecExtend === 'undefined') {
                }             $.stecExtend(function (m) {
                    var minDate = m.glob.options.min_date, maxDate = m.glob.options.max_date;
                    var events = m.calData.filterGetEvents;
                    var filtered = [];                 if (!minDate || !maxDate) {
                    }                 $.each(events, function () {                     let startDate = moment.tz(this.start_date, this.timezone);
                        let endDate = moment.tz(this.end_date, this.timezone);
                        let a = moment.tz(minDate, this.timezone).startOf('day');
                        let b = moment.tz(maxDate, this.timezone).endOf('day');                     if (startDate.isBetween(a, b, null, '[]') && endDate.isBetween(a, b, null, '[]')) {
                        }                 });                 m.calData.filterGetEvents = filtered;             }, 'beforeReturnGetEvents');

    Stachethemes Developer

  •  1
    Jairo replied

    Hi Zhivko,

    I'm still having problems with the icon disapearing...

    The support for the theme had disabled again the Stachetheme plugin, please see their position:

    We already have the Font-Awesome 5.

    Something with this plugin's files is interfering with our theme. In case you purchased this plugin, I know that the author should provide support and make it compatible with the client's theme.

    Any help?

    Really important, regarding the customization to show a different block in the Store tab (auction), I contacted 3 developers and none answer me, one asked for some time to study it and never got back to me :(

    Would you suggest anybody else that you know could help?

    Is there any other way to customize it? Like using Elementor or any other builder? Any other suggestion?

    I'm trying to update the plugin, but receiving and error message stating that the translate file could not be delete/overwritten and the it cancel the update, any help?

    Thanks again!

  •  902
    Zhivko replied


    I'll explain the problem with the icons.

    Your site is loading 2 old font-awesome 4 libraries from these urls:


    I assume these are woocommerce addons.

    Also the elements with missing icons are using the old font-awesome 4 classes.

    Example: fa fa-heart-o. This one no longer works with Font-Awesome 5. It should be renamed to fas fa-heart. I'll attach screenshot of this element.

    And since FontAwesome 5 is loaded on this page as well it overrides the fa4 style here:

    .fa, .far, .fas {
        font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Free";

    These lines basically tell all .fa classes to use Font-Awesome 5 font-family but "fa fa-heart-o" no longer exists in version 5 and that's why the corresponding icon is not being displayed.

    I've added in your child-theme functions.php file following code:

    add_action('stec_load_calendar_scripts', function() {
        $stec = \Stachethemes\Stec\Stachethemes_Event_Calendar::get_instance();
        $stec->add_asset_js("stec-fa-compat", "js/front/fa-back-compat.js");

    This file should provide backward compatibility for Fa4 icons.

    Regarding updating - I've received the same error when tried to install the File Manager plugin on your server. I'd suggest you to check your server read/write permissions. I think you have file permission issue.

    Is this auction of yours some WooCommerce extension?

    Stachethemes Developer

  •  1
    Jairo replied

    Hi and Thanks again for awesome support!

    1- fa fa-heart-o is part of https://wordpress.org/plugins/yith-woocommerce-wishlist/

    2- server read/write permissions: I'm using IIs and windows server 2019, I did all wordpress settings and permissions... I'll double check permissions, but do you have any recommendation?

    3- it's the iBid theme (https://ibid.modeltheme.com/), yes it uses woocommerce+simple auction plugin

    4- Anything for the customization help?

    Thanks again!

  •  1
    Jairo replied

    Hi, forgot to mention:

    This file should provide backward compatibility for Fa4 icons. - Worked perfectly!  :)

  •  902
    Zhivko replied

    Is it possible to send me this auction plugin to check it out?

    Perhaps there's shortcode that generates the layout you want?

    If there's such shortcode it might be possible to insert it in the event single page.

    Stachethemes Developer

  •  1
    Jairo replied

    Hi Zhivko,

    I was trying to send you the file, but it's 36MB and the attachment limit is 15MB.

    Is there any other way to send you?

    It's the whole theme with the plugins and I belive they have shortcodes for the block I need :)

    Here's their docs: http://docs.modeltheme.com/ibid/#documenter_cover

    If possible I would like in the event single page, and all parts that have the SHOP tab, where it shows the items related to the event.

    Thanks a lot!

  •  902
    Zhivko replied

    If you have google drive account you can upload it there and send me temporary download link.

    Stachethemes Developer

  •  1
    Jairo replied

    Hi Zhivko,

    Here's the link:"https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t12Ks1VwIFmMvdQ1032QOtUQC-maGoBp/view?usp=sharing

    Please note that this is the new version 2.0. I'll upgrade the site today. Right now it's installed the version 1.9.

    Thanks a lot!

  •  902
    Zhivko replied


    I've checked the auction plugin.

    What I could do is following:

    • I can write custom code that will add new tab in your admin event add / edit page where you can insert your ibid shortcode.
    • For the single page we can remove the default shop tab and replace it with new tab "Auctions" where the shortcode will be displayed. You will have to check your theme manual for the shortcode of your desired auction grid layout. I've found is this one: [shop-products-boxed category="auctions"] but perhaps there are more.

    Drawbacks of this:

    • Auction products will not be linked to an event so I'd recommend you to sort your auctions in categories where you can track them easily.
    • LOTS count in Grid View code will have to be rewritten since we're not going to use the calendar built-in tickets/products meta data.
    • You will have to place ibid shortcode for each event that has auction products.

    I'm attaching you the custom code that will add the auction tab. Place the code from the file in your theme functions.php file.

    Check it out and see if this suits your needs.

    Stachethemes Developer

  •  1
    Jairo replied

    Hi Zhivko,

    One more time: your support is awesome.  Definetely a nice solution!  But...   Please see in bold my answers.

    Drawbacks of this:

    • Auction products will not be linked to an event so I'd recommend you to sort your auctions in categories where you can track them easily.        =>   I bougth Stachetheme because is the only one that have the link between products and events. That's the most important part, it's absolutelly necessary.  Tried to use Categories, but doesn't work, will need to create hundreds of categories that will be used only once each.  Any other solution here?
    • LOTS count in Grid View code will have to be rewritten since we're not going to use the calendar built-in tickets/products meta data.     =>    This can be done manually, it will be a fixed number for each event, so not really important.
    • You will have to place ibid shortcode for each event that has auction products.      =>  As far as I understand, I'll have to do it once per event (no problem here), right?

    Thanks again!

  •  1
    Jairo replied

    One more idea: What if i develop a shortcode with the format I need (using Elementor) with a filter that shows all Auctions (lots) filtered by EventID?

    Do you think it's possible?

  •  902
    Zhivko replied

    I've made a small change to the code. 

    With this mod you won't have to write shortcodes instead you will be prompted to select products from the custom tab.

    Delete the old code I've sent you.

    Unzip the attached file and place it in your theme or child-theme (whichever is active) main folder.

    Then in your theme/child-theme functions.php file at the bottom just require the file like this:

    require_once(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'stec_auction_mod.php');

    Stachethemes Developer

  •  902
    Zhivko replied

    P.S. If this solution works I can modify it further to display LOTS count automatically.

    Stachethemes Developer

  •  1
    Jairo replied

    OMG!  Zhivko, you are the MAN!    That is exactly what I was looking for! Awesome!

    Now I need some small fixes:

    1- Replace the name of Auctions tab for Lots (or already translated: Lotes)

    2- In the event page (stec_event) it should always open the Lots tab (stec_event) first

    3- In the Lots Tab (actual Auctions tab) there's something wrong with the format of the buttons and (again) the icon, please see Pict1 (actual) and shoul look like Pict2.

    4- Add the same Tab (the new one you just added) to the Event Popout (pict4) screen and Event Accordeon screen (pict3)

    5- Add countdown timer to the events. In Grid, accordeon and event page. I can buy any of those: https://codecanyon.net/search/countdown%20timer?utf8=%E2%9C%93    I believe it would benefit other clients, it creates scarcity and they will know how long they have until the end of the event.

    6- P.S. If this solution works I can modify it further to display LOTS count automatically:    Yes, please!

    7- Do you know when the BUILDER for Event Single Page will be available?

    8- This new Tab in  Events is perfect!   But after some time we will have 1000s of Lots (Auctions) registered to choose. Is there a way to add a filter? Maybe by part of SKU (we could use "EventID-SKU" when adding products, and then filter by EventID-*) or Tags or any custom field...

    Sorry to bother you soooo much.  The plugin is soon getting perfect for our needs.

    Thank you very much!


  •  902
    Zhivko replied

    I will see what I can do and will send you updated modification.

    Stachethemes Developer

  •  902
    Zhivko replied


    I've updated further the code. 

    Changes are:

    •  Grid displays lotes count.
    • Added lotes tab in calendar.
    • Lotes tab should now be first.
    • In the admin panel Auction tab is renamed to Lotes. 
    • Your SKUs should be now in this format: {event-id}-{everything else}. 

    E.g. 101-xxx, 102-xxx, 103-xxx... where 101,102,103 are event ids.

    In the admin panel lotes will be listed only if the first part of the SKU matches with the event id.

    Regarding the counter - there's already built-in counter for the event info tab. 

    You will have to set in Event add/edit page Counter setting to "Enable". 

    I'll see if I can add counter for the grid layout in the next update.

    I've started to work on the builder's single event page but it may take some time since support is time consuming. It is planned to be available with the next update.

    And for the icons problem. Try adding following code in your theme functions.php file:

    add_action('stec_load_calendar_scripts', function() {
        $stec = \Stachethemes\Stec\Stachethemes_Event_Calendar::get_instance();
        $stec->add_asset_js("stec-fa-compat", "js/front/fa-back-compat.js");

    Stachethemes Developer

  •  1
    Jairo replied

    Hi Zhivko, hope you are doing well!

    As a suggection: Why you don't make it customizable using Elementor (or similar). This way we will be able to customize the way we need. And you will have an incredible amount of new customers looking for calendar customizable.  I like your plugin a lot! But really need options to change the design, mostly for items (lotes) and event page, the calendar part is AWESOME!  Example:

    1- pict 2A: Countdown should be up in the page

    2- Pict3A: Page will look much better and remove redundancy of elements

    Question: Where do I setup the notification for the event?  How do I use and setup this Summary? See pict 4A

    Regarding last post:

    •  Grid displays lotes count. - Perfect :)
    • Added lotes tab in calendar. - Perfect, but icons are not fixed (even after adding the code) and the circles (buttons) need padding and they look oval.  Pls see pict 1A
    • Lotes tab should now be first. Perfect :)
    • In the admin panel Auction tab is renamed to Lotes.  Perfect :)
    • Your SKUs should be now in this format: {event-id}-{everything else}. Perfect :) Works very well!!!

    Sorry to bother you so much, but I belive yor plugin is the best and I really want to make it work. I'm learning PHP to be able to customize it, do you have any application you use for the development or suggestions?

    Thanks again!!!!

  •  1
    Jairo replied

    Hi Zhivko,

    One more thing:

    If there are Lots on an event, the other tabs (Event Information, Schedule and Store) don't work.

    Only if there's no Lotes...

    Thanks again!


  •  1
    Jairo replied

    Sorry...   my mistake:

    It appears, but under the Lotes and not instead of Lotes. If I change the tabs, it looks like nothing happens.

    I'll have in average 50+ lotes, so it will be confusing. Is there a way to reduce the size of the pictures? Again it will be awesome if I could change/build the layout in Elementor :)

    BTW: The icons are working fine.

    The event that has the lotes is the one with * after the name.

    Thanks again :)

  •  1
    Jairo replied

    OOOps...  the icon works on the accordion Event, not on the single event page.

  •  902
    Zhivko replied

    Is it possible to provide me with ftp as it is easier to apply the changes?

    Do you want the sidebar removed for the event single pages?

    The problem with the lotes where there's strange empty space is coming from the titles. Some titles are 2 lines some are 1 line and this makes the boxes not uniform. Removing the sidebar might fix this as there will be more space.

    I can move the counter up above the title for the single pages but the functionality will remain the same. 

    The problem with the icons is trivial I'll take a look when I make the other changes.

    The summary: text under the repeater is just text that summarizes your repeat settings. (e.g. Every week...)

    The problem with the tabs is I should place check if there are lots in the event in the first place before displaying the tab.

    I'm getting familiar with the elementor code at the moment and the plan is to migrate to the elementor builder instead of keeping the current builder as we don't want to re-invent the wheel and elementor looks pretty solid tool.

    Stachethemes Developer

  •   Jairo replied privately
  •  902
    Zhivko replied


    Sorry for the delay... 

    • I've removed the sidebar from the single page.
    • Lots tab will be visible only if there are lots.
    • I've moved the counter up and is now counting the time to the end of the event. I'll further work on the counter in future updates to include additional options.
    • Problem with the icons should be resolved.

    I'm currently replacing the builder with elementor. Initially you will be able to design your own event submission forms and single pages for the events. We'll add additional templating options with future updates.

    Stachethemes Developer

  •  1
    Jairo replied

    Hi Zivko,

    Again, thanks a lot for your EXCELLENT support!  The best

    • I've removed the sidebar from the single page.   =>  Perfect!!!!
    • Lots tab will be visible only if there are lots.   =>  It's almost perfect, but still need some work, it's not working as a regular Tab (on the accordeon and in the popup window). When you click on the Event Detail tab, it shows under the Lotes, when it should show instead of Lotes.
    • I've moved the counter up and is now counting the time to the end of the event. I'll further work on the counter in future updates to include additional options.   => Perfect!!!   But need it in the popup and accordeon windows. it's important to have a title: "End in"  so people know what the countdown is for.  As a suggestion: Show Coutdown to start the event if didn't start with a Title:  "Start in"; Show time to end if already started and Event ended with no countdown if ended.
    • Problem with the icons should be resolved.  => Yes Perfect!!!
    • builder with elementor => Can't wait!
    • Please see pict attached: Pictures are being cut (because of the shape, I belive). Is it possible to choose the size (proportions) of the main and other pictures?  If not, can we fix so they will have a 4 x 3 proportions. They are correct in the popup window.
    • In general, all windows should look similar: Accordeon, popup and single: Coundown, tabs, pictures.

    Again, I really appreciate your help!!!!


  •  1
    Jairo replied

    Hi Zivko,

    Just updated to the new version: AWESOME WORK! So much better with elementor.

    I'm restarting the whole web site, the older theme required WPbakery and it won't work with Elementor.

    Will talk later about the "Lotes". But for now, if I add the event calendar (Elementor) in a page, I got the Calendar icon in the preview, but this text (below) on the final page (not the calendar as it should be). I have 4 events setup.

    Thanks a lot!

    0 Events loaded


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  •  902
    Zhivko replied

    Where can I take a look at the page?

    If you see this garbage text then css and js files are not being loaded.

    Does it work if you insert the shortcode directly?

    Stachethemes Developer

  •  1
    Jairo replied

    Hi Zhivko,

    Same thing if I use shortcode or Elementor element.

    It's on my local computer here: http://6f8ecb001be3.ngrok.io      It works only for 8 hrs (from 3:35 pm EST) 

    User: Zhivko     Pass: Z12345#$

    I'm moving the site to the public server today, so If doesn't work, try: www.mercadoagrodigital.com



  •  902
    Zhivko replied

    If this is a new theme make sure in its header.php the wp_head() hook is attached.

    Check inside <head> tag for:

    <?php wp_head(); ?>

    If it is missing then that's the problem.

    Stachethemes Developer

  •  1
    Jairo replied


    <head> tag is there...

    I moved the site to a live server: http://teste3.mercadoagrodigital.com/    you can logi with the credential I sent.

    Unistalleed and reinstalled Stachetheme, but can not activate it!

    Please see attached picture. I tried to deactivate on my other local copy and got the same message.

    Can you check the activation and the messed up calendar?

    Thanks again!


  •  902
    Zhivko replied


    I've reset your key and activated it on your new site.

    The problem seems to be the plugin is loaded via elementor template shortcode.

    [elementor-template id="356"]

    Wordpress is not detecting the calendar shortcode because it is inside another shortcode and therefore is not loading the required javascript and css files.

    For comparison I've created private page here that is loading the assets correctly.

    The workaround for this is to manually load the scripts for this particular page (the home page).

    In your case the home page is with post id 81.

    So in your theme functions.php file I've added code that will load the calendar scripts for post 81:

    // Load Stachethemes Event Calendar Javascript and CSS files for POST #81
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', function() {     global $post;         if ($post && $post->ID === 81) {
                    if (class_exists('\Stachethemes\Stec\Stachethemes_Event_Calendar')) {
                        add_action('wp_head', function() {
                        }, 9999);

    And now the calendar should load normally.

    Stachethemes Developer

  •  1
    Jairo replied

    As always GREAT support!  It's working fine now.

    Will the modifications you made before work with this theme? I suppose it will not, because it's not woocommerce based, right?   I may have to look for another theme woocommerce based...

    By the way: Loved the new changes! Design looks awesome!

    Thanks a lot.


  •  902
    Zhivko replied

    The old code relied on woocommerce's [products ids=...] shortcode. If you can find substitute for it then it could work.

    Stachethemes Developer