  Public Ticket #2563543
Show Day of the Week


  •  1
    Achim started the conversation


    is it possible to show the Day of the Week together whis  Date.
    At example in the agenda-view

    "FR.  9. OKT. 2020"

    Thank You

  •  902
    Zhivko replied


    It will be possible in the next update via shortcode attribute date "date_format".


    [stachethemes_ec date_format="ddd. DD. MM.YYYY"]

    Stachethemes Developer

  •  1
    Achim replied


    it works. Thank You.

    Can I translate it to German?

  •  902
    Zhivko replied

    You can translate the plugin via gettext editor or some free plugin like Loco Translate.

    Stachethemes Developer

  •  1
    Achim replied


    the Plugin is OK, only the shortys in the Dateline "Mo, Thu, Wed, Sun" and so on are necessary to translate in German.

    Thank You

  •  902
    Zhivko replied

    I'd suggest you to use Loco Translate since it's more user friendly than gettext editors.

    Once Loco Translate is activated go to Dashboard -> Loco Translate -> Plugins -> Stachethemes Event Calendar -> German and you will see all translatable text strings there. Screenshot attached.

    Once you're done you can uninstall Loco Translate.

    Stachethemes Developer