  Public Ticket #2588379
Recurring events


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    groentjie started the conversation

    On this page I have events for the Gym, these are recurring events. If I subscribe for a workout from today my name will also come up with a ? for the recurring event for tomorrow.

    Is it possible you are only visible on that one event and if you want to go the next you need to RSVP again. Because if you subscribe for multiple days you will only receive one mail.

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    Zhivko replied


    Sorry, it's not possible.

    As a workaround I could suggest you to add filter so when the user click the "Attend" button for any  recurrence it will send you message again.

    The filter should be added in your theme or child-theme functions.php file:

    add_action('updated_postmeta', function($meta_id, $object_id, $meta_key, $meta_value) {
        if ('stec_event' === get_post_type($object_id) && 'attendance' === $meta_key && $meta_value && isset($_POST['date'])) {
            $attendee = maybe_unserialize($meta_value);
            $event    = new \Stachethemes\Stec\Event_Post($object_id);         if ($event->get_id() && isset($attendee[0]) && $attendee[0] instanceof \Stachethemes\Stec\Event_Meta_Attendee) {
                if (count($attendee[0]->get_status()) > 1 && $attendee[0]->get_status($_POST['date']) === 1) {
                    \Stachethemes\Stec\Mail::send_event_author_new_attendee($attendee[0], $event, $_POST['date']);
    }, 10, 4);

    Stachethemes Developer

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