  Public Ticket #2755396
Change mail settings


  •  2
    saleswizardbv started the conversation

    Hey guys, 

    Our customer wants to change the recipient of the mail (RSVP). Is that possible? And how can I do that? 

    By this he wants that the organizer gets confirmation that people signed up. 

    Thanks in advance! 

    Best regards

  •  901
    Zhivko replied


    Try adding following filter in your theme or child-theme functions.php file:

    // STEC MOD: RSVP confirmation email Cc to event organizers
    add_filter('stec_send_event_author_new_attendee', function ($data, $event) {
        add_filter('stec_wp_mail_headers', function () use ($event) {         $organizers = $event->get_parsed_organizers(true);
            $cc_emails = array();
            $headers   = array();         if ($organizers) {
                foreach ($organizers as $organizer) {
                    $cc_emails[] = $organizer->email;
                }             if ($cc_emails) {
                    $headers[] = sprintf('Cc: %s', implode(',', $cc_emails));
            }         return $headers;
        });     return $data;
    }, 10 ,2);

    Stachethemes Developer

  •  2
    saleswizardbv replied

    Hey Zhivko, 

    This works perfectly, thank you !