Comments 2saleswizardbv started the conversationApril 20, 2021 at 10:45amHey guys, Our customer wants to change the recipient of the mail (RSVP). Is that possible? And how can I do that? By this he wants that the organizer gets confirmation that people signed up. Thanks in advance! Best regards 901Zhivko repliedApril 23, 2021 at 9:53amHi,Try adding following filter in your theme or child-theme functions.php file: // STEC MOD: RSVP confirmation email Cc to event organizers add_filter('stec_send_event_author_new_attendee', function ($data, $event) { add_filter('stec_wp_mail_headers', function () use ($event) { $organizers = $event->get_parsed_organizers(true); $cc_emails = array(); $headers = array(); if ($organizers) { foreach ($organizers as $organizer) { $cc_emails[] = $organizer->email; } if ($cc_emails) { $headers[] = sprintf('Cc: %s', implode(',', $cc_emails)); } } return $headers; }); return $data;}, 10 ,2); Stachethemes Developer1 Like 2saleswizardbv repliedApril 29, 2021 at 1:24pmHey Zhivko, This works perfectly, thank you !1 Like Sign in to reply ...
Hey guys,
Our customer wants to change the recipient of the mail (RSVP). Is that possible? And how can I do that?
By this he wants that the organizer gets confirmation that people signed up.
Thanks in advance!
Best regards
Try adding following filter in your theme or child-theme functions.php file:
Stachethemes Developer
Hey Zhivko,
This works perfectly, thank you !