I set a calendar to European CET (UTC+1). As a user in the US, importing the .ics file to Outlook doesn't respect the Timezone of the calendar. Instead, Outlook imports my event in EST time (UTC-6).
I looked in the format of the generated .ics file and it is only using this line to set the timezone: X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London
Article like this one suggest a BEGIN:VTIMEZONE block before BEGIN:VEVENT in the .ics file.
Is this a known issue? or am I doing something wrong?
public function date_to_cal($date_string) {
$date = new DateTime(($date_string), new DateTimeZone($this->calendar->get_timezone()));
return $date->format('Ymd\THis'); }
Replace the function above with this one:
public function date_to_cal($date_string) {
$date = new DateTime(($date_string), new DateTimeZone($this->calendar->get_timezone()));
I set a calendar to European CET (UTC+1). As a user in the US, importing the .ics file to Outlook doesn't respect the Timezone of the calendar. Instead, Outlook imports my event in EST time (UTC-6).
I looked in the format of the generated .ics file and it is only using this line to set the timezone: X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London
Article like this one suggest a BEGIN:VTIMEZONE block before BEGIN:VEVENT in the .ics file.
Is this a known issue? or am I doing something wrong?
It seems Outlook indeed doesn't respect X-WR-TIMEZONE.
Try this workaround:
Open file wp-content / plugins / stachethemes_event_calendar / assets / php / class.export-ical.php
and on line 29 to 34 there's this function:
Replace the function above with this one:
This will export the events dates relative to UTC.
Let me know if this solution works for you.
Stachethemes Developer