Comments Hometeam started the conversationNovember 4, 2021 at 10:36pmWhen seeking to create our tickets for two ticket options of 24.99 and 5.99 I am told I cannot 901Zhivko repliedNovember 8, 2021 at 2:43pmHi,This is caused by the input type number step value. We'll make sure this issue is non-existent in the next calendar iteration.To fix this problem open file:stachethemes_event_calendar / view / admin / tickets / addedit.phpon line 54 there's this code: Admin_Html::html_input('wc_book_create_ticket_price', $ticket ? $ticket->get_regular_price() : null, '', esc_html__('Regular Price', 'stec'), false, 'number', 'step=0.1');replace step=0.1 to step=0.01 like this: Admin_Html::html_input('wc_book_create_ticket_price', $ticket ? $ticket->get_regular_price() : null, '', esc_html__('Regular Price', 'stec'), false, 'number', 'step=0.01'); Stachethemes Developer Sign in to reply ...
When seeking to create our tickets for two ticket options of 24.99 and 5.99 I am told I cannot
This is caused by the input type number step value. We'll make sure this issue is non-existent in the next calendar iteration.
To fix this problem open file:
stachethemes_event_calendar / view / admin / tickets / addedit.php
on line 54 there's this code:
replace step=0.1 to step=0.01 like this:
Stachethemes Developer