Comments 2makamstudio started the conversationFebruary 2, 2022 at 9:02amHi,I would like to scroll the dates on the week calendar, instead of pressing buttons. I saw that it was possible in your videos. Can you tell me how to do it. Thanks. 901Zhivko repliedFebruary 2, 2022 at 1:02pmHi,You should be able to scroll with your mousewheel. Stachethemes Developer 2makamstudio repliedFebruary 6, 2022 at 11:01amThank you Zhivko ! Sign in to reply ...
I would like to scroll the dates on the week calendar, instead of pressing buttons. I saw that it was possible in your videos. Can you tell me how to do it. Thanks.
You should be able to scroll with your mousewheel.
Stachethemes Developer
Thank you Zhivko !