  Public Ticket #3015833
What means "Visibility" within Location?


  •  5
    joshivince started the conversation

    Dear Zhivko,

    I added now some locations to my brand new event calendar. However when I edit a location I see the "Visibility" form (at the very bottom). What does this switch do?

    When I change it do PRIVATE the location is still shown online. Also the event search is not affected by that.

    Thanks for your help in advance,


  •  901
    Zhivko replied


    If the location visibility is set to private on you can submit events with this location and this location will not be listed as available to others.

    Stachethemes Developer

  •  5
    joshivince replied

    Hi Zhivko,

    Thanks for the reply. So if I understand right, only the admin can post Events to locations which are set to "private" on?

    Is that correct?


  •  901
    Zhivko replied

    Yes, and the person who created the location (author)

    Stachethemes Developer

  •  5
    joshivince replied

    OK, you're right. I need, that this option is always set als "public" by default.

    Can you please provide also this time the code for my functions.php that this value ist set for every new location entry to "public".

    Thanks a lot in advance,


  •  901
    Zhivko replied

    By default it should be set to public. Isn't it?

    Stachethemes Developer

  •  5
    joshivince replied

    I tried it some minutes ago and no, the new location was set to "private" first and I had to set it as public then.

    BTW: I created a new Event with new location in the frontend, not in the backend (as this is the normal way I get events on my site - https://www.feschtkalender.info).


  •  901
    Zhivko replied

    Front-end forces the location to private yes...

    This hook should do the work.

    Stachethemes Developer

  •  5
    joshivince replied

    Thanks, that worked an my test event I created with a new location was fine. The new location was set to "public".

    Thanks a very lot.

    You can close this ticket.
