when you open my site at feschtkalender.info you see my event list beginning from today (22nd April 2022) - what is good. When you then want to see the events - for example - from June, you can choose the month "June" by clicking the month drop down selector. Please do so, to see the bug: The June events are then displayed from the current day. Means: The events of June are displayed from 22nd downwards only, not from the 1st of June.
Dear Zhivko,
when you open my site at feschtkalender.info you see my event list beginning from today (22nd April 2022) - what is good. When you then want to see the events - for example - from June, you can choose the month "June" by clicking the month drop down selector. Please do so, to see the bug: The June events are then displayed from the current day. Means: The events of June are displayed from 22nd downwards only, not from the 1st of June.
Hope you understand what I mean.
Thanks for a nice fix in advance,
It's not a bug. Someone hid the day dropdown for the agenda view. By default it should be visible.
Anyway, I understand your problem and perhaps it is indeed good idea to reset the day to 1 so here's a hook that does this:
Stachethemes Developer
OH! Yes it was me... I hid the day selector.
The hook works perfect! Thanks also here.
This ticket can be closed.
(Feel free to edit my headline if it is really not a bug, to clarify for others)