  Public Ticket #3127030
Preview Customization / Automation / Error Message


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    oliverdickmann started the conversation

    Hi there,

    I have a couple of different requests:

    1. Agenda view: This my default view. As I am satisfied with title, date/time, location and description fields, I don't need the "single page"-information (everything within the "stec-layout-event-inner" tags, see screenshot). I need to deactivate the toogle functionality. How can this be done?

    2. Month/Week Grid view: Similar situation here. The 1st preview toggle with title, date/time, location and description fields is fine, but I don't need the 2nd  "single page"-information-toggle here as well (see screenshot). How can I deactivate the toggle functionality for the single page-informatio?

    3. I would like to customize the timelabel. How is it possible to add the additional label " Uhr" at the end of the timelabel (see screenshot)?

    4. Is it possible to connect to Zapier / make.com (formerly Integromat)? If yes, how or can you provide a tutorial?

    5. When importing / changing events, I always receive an error message regarding lines 21 and 27 in inc.page-templates.php (see screenshot)? How can I get rid of the error message?

    Please advise.

    Thanks and best regards,


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    oliverdickmann replied

    Hi there,

    I am waiting for one month now for a first reply. Is this ticket even worked on? 

    An reply in a timely manner would be appreciated very much.



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    Zhivko replied


    Sorry for the late reply.

    1 + 2) Yes, I think it can be done without editing the core plugin but will need a filter. 


    a)  Go to Dashboard -> STEC -> General -> "Open events in". Set the value to "External link".

    b) In your theme or child-theme functions.php file place this filter:

    add_filter('stec_event_get_front_data', function ($data) {
        $data['permalink'] = 'javascript:void(0)';
        return $data;

    3) Place this filter in the theme or child-theme functions.php file:

    add_action('wp_footer', function () {
        if (!wp_script_is('stec-js')) {
        }     ?>     <script type="text/javascript">
            (function($) {             $(function() {                 $.stecExtend(function(m) {                     m.$instance.on('stecBeforeReturnBeautifyTimespan', function(e, data) {                         if (data.allDay !== 1) {
                                data.temp.dateTimeString += ' Uhr';
                            }                     });                 });             });         })(window.jQuery)
        </script> <?php

    4) No, sorry.

    5) If you turn the wordpress debugger off you won't see this notice. I'll make sure to fix this notice in the next release.

    Stachethemes Developer

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    oliverdickmann replied

    Many thanks for your support. The code is working as expected. The ticket can be closed.

    Happy coding :-)