Comments 4Tymnus started the conversationSeptember 28, 2022 at 8:34pmRegarding Ticket Sales: Is there a way to make the default ticket quantity to “1” in the sales popup? Currently, the default is set to ZERO. Please help.1 Like 901Zhivko repliedSeptember 29, 2022 at 8:20amHi,Place this hook in your theme or child-theme functions.php file. /** * Set booking quantity to 1 by default */ add_action('wp_footer', function () { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> (function($) { $(function() { if (typeof window.StecBooking === 'undefined') { return; } window.StecBooking.prototype.popOpen = function() { var popup, scroller; $('body').addClass('stec-modal-opened stec-no-scroll'); $('#stec-layout-event-inner-out-wrapper-' +; popup = $(this.popHtml()).appendTo('body'); if (!popup.find('.stec-scrollable').data('stec-scroll')) { scroller = new window.StecScroll(); scroller.create(popup.find('.stec-scrollable')); $(this).find('.stec-scrollable').data('stec-scroll', scroller); } $('.stec-booking-item-quantity').val(1); } }); })(window.jQuery); </script> <?php }); Stachethemes Developer Sign in to reply ...
Regarding Ticket Sales: Is there a way to make the default ticket quantity to “1” in the sales popup? Currently, the default is set to ZERO. Please help.
Place this hook in your theme or child-theme functions.php file.
Stachethemes Developer