  Public Ticket #3201697
add variable to text in ticket


  •  3
    Trevor Lee started the conversation

    Hi when in the ticket view the text says sales end on----  i would like to add the am / pm variable to the end of the time as currently it will say 11.00  instead of 11:00 am, i assume this would be in php - happy to edit my self  if you pint me in correct direction.

  •  901
    Zhivko replied

    Go to Dashboard -> STEC -> General settings -> Time format -> 12 hours


    Stachethemes Developer

  •  3
    Trevor Lee replied

    Awesome thank you - I may have made a mistake with loco translate  I Cannot see tickets on left hand menu any more - any suggestions? I wanted to change the name of the tickets button on front end but it also changed name in back end on menu to book now 

  •  901
    Zhivko replied

    Which file are you editing in loco translate?

    Stachethemes Developer

  •  3
    Trevor Lee replied

    This one

  •  901
    Zhivko replied

    Click on Edit Template:


    and search for Tickets string here


    If the Tickets string exists here then go back to your English UK file and click "Sync".


    Perhaps it is indeed missing for some reason...

    Stachethemes Developer

  •  3
    Trevor Lee replied

    There a variable called Tickets present in both when I edit it - it changes the button on the front end and the admin menu to book now

  •  901
    Zhivko replied

    Yes, I'm afraid they both use the same string.

    Stachethemes Developer

  •  3
    Trevor Lee replied

    OK,  so will that be addressed in an update?  I assume that is in the language file some where for the admin menu for the plugin - any suggestions would be helpful.

  •  901
    Zhivko replied

    It will be address in next version so the string will have context ( esc_html_x ).

    Meanwhile you could hard code the Tickets text for the admin menu from file

    assets \ php \ inc \ inc.admin-menu.php



    esc_html__('Tickets', 'stec')

    to just Tickets


    Stachethemes Developer

  •  3
    Trevor Lee replied

    Fantastic! :)