Im setting up a custom single page event view but im having a hard time getting the different data in from the backend. So im not using Elementor but the a custom single-stec_event.php template, and pulling in the_post_thumbnail_url(), the_title() and the_content() - but i want to display more stuff, like time, author, location and all the other stuff, but i cant fint the documentation on how to pull in that data?
Im setting up a custom single page event view but im having a hard time getting the different data in from the backend. So im not using Elementor but the a custom single-stec_event.php template, and pulling in the_post_thumbnail_url(), the_title() and the_content() - but i want to display more stuff, like time, author, location and all the other stuff, but i cant fint the documentation on how to pull in that data?
Here is example of obtaining some of the event data:
Check out file stachethemes_event_calendar / assets / php / o.event.php
and use get_front_data method as a reference
Stachethemes Developer
Hello again!
Thx for the reply - I cannot acces the class Event_Post granting access to the front_data object. The method isn't working and i get this error:
This is my code:
The Event_Post class resides in Stachethemes\Stec namespace like this:
Stachethemes Developer
Thank you, this worked!