  Public Ticket #3711584
Event Slider Widget - Swiping, hiding category labels, viewing events in pop-up, and deemphasizing arrows


  •  6
    selinkocagoncu started the conversation


    I have started to use Event Slider as a solution for  horizontally scrolling events. However, I would like to ask 4 questions about the widget.

    1. The website says that it has a swipe function, however I have only found left and right buttons for scrolling. Otherwise, the events do not swipe. Am I doing something wrong?
    2. How do we hide the category labels visible on event cells?
    3. Thanks to STEC, I am very close to creating a single-page website. However, when the individual events of the Event Slider are clicked, they do not open as popups as the Full Calendar does. In Event Slider, the event is displayed on a new page. Is it possible for, on click, event popup to be displayed instead of event page? This would be very helpful in terms of website consistency. 
    4. The left-right buttons of the Event Slider are very large, taking up about 1/3 of the cell both vertically and horizontally. Considering that this large area is mostly composed of background color and that the event images are displayed with a dark overlay, would it be possible to make the button background's alpha 0 and change arrow color to white? I believe this would solve the oversized button issue by deemphasizing it.

    Please let me know if anything needs further clarification.

    Thank you very much for your time and attention.

    Attached files:  event-slider-questions.jpeg

  •  901
    Zhivko replied


    1. On touch devices, sliding left or right will move the slider to the previous or next image. However, touch & drag functionality is not yet implemented.

    2. You can use this css to hide the categories:

    .stec-widget-events-slider .stec-tags-list {
        display: none !important;

    3. I am afraid the slider doesn't have modal mode yet.

    4. Yes, it can be done with css:

    .stec-widget-events-slider-arrow-next  {
        background: none !important;
        box-shadow: none !important;
    .stec-widget-events-slider-arrow-prev i,
    .stec-widget-events-slider-arrow-next i {
        color:#fff !important;

    Stachethemes Developer