Public Tickets All Categories General Information (4) Stachethemes Seat Planner for WooCommerce (1) Stachethemes Event Calendar (72) Showoff Two (2) Feedback & Bugs report (2) beezley Event TicketsClosed Stachethemes Event Calendar Updated February 9, 2019 at 5:46pm 5 Most recent comment from beezley:Yes, the ticket name and SKU is different. I am trying to create an online entry system for dog shows. There could be 20 or more combinations of type, level and division. For example Containers Novice ... beezley Registration FormClosed Stachethemes Event Calendar Updated February 9, 2019 at 11:14am 2 Most recent comment from Zhivko Bozhilov:Hi,Registration forms and billing information are handled by the WooCommerce plugin.You can take a look at WooCommerce documentation on how to customize the fields here: ... beezley Export Events and AttendeesClosed Stachethemes Event Calendar Updated February 9, 2019 at 11:01am 2 Most recent comment from Zhivko Bozhilov:Hi,Export your events to ICS file.If you must use CSV I'd suggest you to convert the ics to csv using some online tool like this one: kyleherbstascend Event Tab CombinationClosed Stachethemes Event Calendar Updated February 8, 2019 at 7:25pm 2 Most recent comment from Zhivko Bozhilov:Hi,Go to Dashboard -> St. Event Calendar -> General and set "Open events in" to "Single Page".In yout theme functions.php file add: // Set shop tab to be firstadd_filter('stec_event_tabs', function( ... Tayler Is there really no CSV import?Closed Stachethemes Event Calendar Updated February 8, 2019 at 7:14pm 22 Most recent comment from Zhivko Bozhilov:Here's how you can obtain all events once they are loaded in the calendar. add_action('wp_footer', function() { ?> (function ($) { if (typeof $.stecExtend !== 'f ... oitodoonze mapClosed Stachethemes Event Calendar Updated February 8, 2019 at 1:29pm 5 Most recent comment from oitodoonze:I asked for a refund. This plugin is a little bit difficult to me. Sorry. Oana Sima google mapsClosed Stachethemes Event Calendar Updated February 8, 2019 at 10:43am 2 Most recent comment from Valentin Bozhilov:The Google Maps API is still free till you reach the unique visit limit they have put lately. But to remove the location tab just remove the location details from the event administration. dovetaildesign Map Pin IconsClosed Stachethemes Event Calendar Updated February 8, 2019 at 10:41am 4 Most recent comment from Valentin Bozhilov:There is option to add custom art work but need to be in SVG format, but the current code is not supporting it. I may add it to my to-do list, but really can't give you ETA right now because I'm tryin ... hype4events TIcketingClosed Stachethemes Event Calendar Updated February 6, 2019 at 4:55am 1 Most recent comment from hype4events:When setting up the booking platform are you able to give a different booking number for each ticket bought? Molly Perry Unable to install calendarClosed Stachethemes Event Calendar Updated February 5, 2019 at 1:32pm 24 Most recent comment from Valentin Bozhilov:The search option should be showing all events in the calendar. You can help by entering additional keywords in the event creation page. caiusblg New window + back buttonClosed Stachethemes Event Calendar Updated February 5, 2019 at 7:45am 3 Most recent comment from caiusblg:THANKS A LOT Zhivko!Always very helpful!!!Claudio Brian Shrink day cell sizeClosed Stachethemes Event Calendar Updated February 4, 2019 at 3:17pm 5 Most recent comment from Brian:Thanks! It looks great. I definitely appreciate all your help. blendit Showing events in the pastClosed Stachethemes Event Calendar Updated January 31, 2019 at 5:27pm 16 Most recent comment from caiusblg:Zhivko, THANKS a LOT!!!!GREAT!!!! It works perfectly maria luque helpClosed Stachethemes Event Calendar Updated January 31, 2019 at 4:45pm 2 Most recent comment from Zhivko Bozhilov:Where do you place the shortcode? If it's outside page or post (text widget for example) then go to:Dashboard -> St. Event Calendar -> General -> Misc and turn on Force load calendar scripts. maria luque activation errorClosed Stachethemes Event Calendar Updated January 31, 2019 at 8:05am 2 Most recent comment from Valentin Bozhilov:Your key has been reset, please try again. Keep in mind you can activate the plugin only on one domain with single license. 1 6364656667686970717273 82