  Public Ticket #2043937
Dubmit Events at Front-End


  • alejandromoreno started the conversation

    I cannot find the way to add a event form submission to my front end for all users.

    I used the shortcode: [stachethemes_ec_create_form]
    but it does not work (the shortcode is shown on page not any form)

    How can i add a public event form submission to the front end of my site?

  •  94
    Valentin replied


    Can you please tell me what version of the plugin are you using? If it's above 2.5 the shortcode was changed according the new form builder feature.

    The current shortcode for the form is: 

    [stec_builder project_type=event_submission_form]

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  • alejandromoreno replied

    I'm using the version 2.5.5.

    This shortcode  worrked! Thanks

    [stec_builder project_type=event_submission_form]

    Is there any guide with all the shortcodes of the plugin? I checked the articles but only found the shortcodes for display the events.

  •  94
    Valentin replied

    You can use the information from this article: https://stachethemes.ticksy.com/article/13221/

    I'm really sorry for the outdated shortcode this is something I need to fix soon. If you have any questions please let me know. Will try to answer as soon as possible.

    Stachethemes Support
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  • alejandromoreno replied

    Thank you!