  Public Ticket #2450055
Event Shortcode


  •  1
    trinews started the conversation

    There are a lot of shortcodes, which I couldn't find in the documents. Is there also a shortcode to display only one or selected events?

    Like the "cal" parameter, but maybe just with eventid?


  •  902
    Zhivko replied

    There's no option to select certain events only but you can display events from certain categories.


    [stachethemes_ec cat=1,2,3]

    If this doesn't work for you I'll look for alternative.

    Stachethemes Developer

  •  1
    trinews replied


    no, at the moment this is not working for me, as I am looking to include one single event into a blog post, when writing a story about the event :-)

  •  902
    Zhivko replied

    I've written small extension that will add new attribute to the shortcode with which you can specify which events to display.

    Place the code from the text file to your theme/child-theme functions.php file.

    Shortcode examples:

    [stachethemes_ec eids=1]
    [stachethemes_ec eids=1,2,3]

    where 1,2,3 are event id numbers.

    Stachethemes Developer

  •  1
    trinews replied

    Amazing, thanks for your great work!

    two points:

    -> when the event is not in the current month, it is not displayed. It's only displayed, when the month, in which the event is happening is selected. The events, selected in the shortcut should always be listed ;-)

    -> how can we support your work?


  •  902
    Zhivko replied

    Sorry for the delay.

    You could set start_date attribute for the calendar.

    So if your event starts in July you can set it like this:

    [stachethemes_ec eids=1 start_date=2020-07-01]

    The date must be in format YYYY-MM-DD

    how can we support your work?

    Thank you for considering supporting us! You could rate/write a review for the calendar at codecanyon.net 

    Stachethemes Developer

  • zacharybaehr replied

    Is this all the shortcode for stache - https://stachethemes.ticksy.com/article/13221/ -? Or is there a list of shortcodes others have used and made work with Stache?



  •  902
    Zhivko replied

    Currently there's 1 shortcode to display the calendar [stachethemes_ec].

    There are more attributes that are not listed there. I'll update the article soon and include them all.

    Are you looking for something specific? 

    Stachethemes Developer

  • zacharybaehr replied

    I'd like to be able to control the size of a thumbnail, or have the items offset (like skip the next two events), and hide certain tools.

    But mostly I want to see what others have used so I can borrow their creativity. Thanks.

  •  902
    Zhivko replied

    If you're talking about the thumbs that appear to the left of the event preview - no, they can't be controlled via shortcode. 

    You can set min/max date ranges for the events via attributes min_date / max_date. Example:

    [stachethemes_ec min_date=2020-01-01 max_date=2020-01-31]

    This parameter can be found in the article as well for more values (this_week etc...)

    For tools - you can hide the search and filter buttons. Example:

    [stachethemes_ec show_search=0 show_calfilter=0]

    I don't know what you want to achieve visually so I can't tell you if it's possible via attribute or filter.

    Stachethemes Developer