
Welcome to Stachethemes Support Center

First we want to thank you for purchasing our items! We are trying to create best WordPress plugins as possible and improving the code and design quality all time. Still sometimes problems may occur. That's where our Customer Support team come up to help you solve them!

We are trying to answer everyone soon as possible, but keep in mind that it may take 1 to 3 business days . We are located in Europe and our Time Zone is GMT+3.

What does the Support include?

Envato Author Support rules are pretty clear:

  • Updates to ensure the item works as described and is protected against major security concerns.
  • Discretionary version updates.
  • Availability of the author of the item to provide item support.
  • Technical questions about the item's built-in features, functionality and third party plugins.
  • Assistance with reported bugs and issues.
  • Help with included third party assets (e.g. image sliders, contact forms).

The item support period

A supported item includes item support for 6 months from the purchase date. During those 6 months, the author is expected to be available to provide the item support services we’ve set out on this page.

If you’re about to purchase the item, you’ll have the option to purchase extended item support, increasing the item support period up to a maximum of 12 months from the date of purchase.

What's not included in item support?

Item support does not include services to modify or extend the item beyond the original features, style and functionality described on the item page. For customization services that will help you tailor the item to your specific requirements, we recommend contacting the author to see if they privately offer paid customization services.

  • Installation of the item
  • Hosting, server environment, or software.
  • Help from authors of included third-party assets.

Public Tickets

selinkocagoncu Hide subscribe button   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated 11 hours ago   6 Most recent comment from Zhivko Bozhilov:You can do it via the template builder. Open your template. Click on the Row Section that wraps the Comments: Click on the cogwheel button to enter its settings. In the Conditions selector add: "Logg ... Oshyan Creating dashboard link and Private Events   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated 2 days ago   1 Most recent comment from Oshyan:Hi, as a new admin of the Event Calendar plugin I have two questions.1: Is there a way to make a page or dedicated, stand-alone button that brings up the "Dashboard"? I want users, including event ... selinkocagoncu Hide short description in boxgrid   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated 3 days ago   2 Most recent comment from Zhivko Bozhilov:Removing box grid description can be done with css: .stec-layout-boxgrid-event-description { display: none !important; } mvanderweide Event Layout Builder - Address Format   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated 1 week ago   4 Most recent comment from Zhivko Bozhilov:You forgot to place the custom class to the address element ( custom-address ). The js expects the element to have this class name otherwise nothing will happen. selinkocagoncu Hide buttons in Boxgrid view   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated 1 week ago   8 Most recent comment from selinkocagoncu:It worked beautifully! Thank you very much! 💐