
Public Tickets

twothreenine Displaying event data in notifications (&templates)Closed   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated July 6, 2023 at 10:59am   2 Most recent comment from Zhivko Bozhilov:Open your theme or child-theme functions.php file and add following PHP code: /** * Add special words to mail templates * * @param array $filter array of special words * @param string $pre_conten ... foodtrucksromania Recurring events display the wrong dateClosed   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated July 3, 2023 at 4:12pm   4 Most recent comment from Zhivko Bozhilov:I apologize; you are correct. The behavior of the getNearestEvents function is indeed a little off when it comes to the current month. In the map view, it searches for events that are closest to the 1 ... CommunikVous ShortcodeClosed   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated June 30, 2023 at 1:10pm   2 Most recent comment from Zhivko Bozhilov:Try  [stachethemes_ec grid_per_click=6 view=grid show_top=0 min_date=2022-01-01 max_date=2023-12-31 start_date=2022-01-01 future_months_ahead=60 grid_lfm=0] grid_per_click - how many events to show ... CommunikVous NavigationClosed   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated June 29, 2023 at 7:43am   5 Most recent comment from CommunikVous:Thanks, it works great. it would be nice to add it in the original version :-) denrob14 Roberts Updated ShortcodesClosed   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated June 27, 2023 at 6:38pm   2 Most recent comment from Zhivko Bozhilov:Hi,These params are for version 3.Use these one instead: [stec calendar__layout=agenda layouts__agenda_list=""] https://stachethemes.com/calendar/documentation/#shortcode-parameters Artyom Current periodClosed   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated June 11, 2023 at 7:34am   5 Most recent comment from Artyom:Thank you, Zhivko! smvueno Attendance not showing correctlyClosed   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated June 9, 2023 at 9:32am   1 Most recent comment from smvueno:Hello! I first want to say that I really appreciate your work on STEC, I'm still in the progress of setting this up on our site.I'm having a few problems with the attendance not showing corr ... Marcel Event Image Height Maxed at 400pxClosed   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated June 7, 2023 at 2:23pm   3 Most recent comment from Marcel:Thank you. How would you suggest handling this if every image might be a different size? This is a client site of mine, so I can't guarantee they'll always be using the same size. Would usin ... Malthe Blichfeldt Showing elements on custom single pageClosed   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated June 6, 2023 at 9:36am   5 Most recent comment from Malthe Blichfeldt:Thank you, this worked! Franz Hide RSVP Button from publicClosed   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated June 2, 2023 at 6:56am   3 Most recent comment from Franz:Awesome, that worked! Thank you very much for your help! feriamsidera Meta DataClosed   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated May 24, 2023 at 1:29pm   8 Most recent comment from Zhivko Bozhilov:I am afraid you will have to add one additional line to the hook I've sent you earlier: update_post_meta($result, 'stec_event_link_url', $event->get_link('url'));and then you ... Robin Heizmann ICS Export onlyClosed   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated May 24, 2023 at 7:41am   3 Most recent comment from Robin Heizmann:Excellent, thanks Robin Heizmann Edit User NotificationClosed   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated May 24, 2023 at 6:42am   3 Most recent comment from Robin Heizmann:Perfect, thanks! ITRTechnology Change organizer to speakersClosed   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated May 17, 2023 at 7:26am   3 Most recent comment from ITRTechnology:Thank you, that worked:) Karina Related EventsClosed   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated May 9, 2023 at 12:36pm   2 Most recent comment from Zhivko Bozhilov:Hi,I am attaching you an example on how you can modify the related events logic via a hook.This example searches for events that belong to the same categories as the current event, within a date range ...