
Public Tickets

Karina External Leaflet filesClosed   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated May 9, 2023 at 11:17am   4 Most recent comment from Karina:I am sorry, that was my mistake, it was another error on my site. Thanks for the solution! Mediaff Problem bloc/responsiveClosed   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated May 9, 2023 at 6:10am   3 Most recent comment from Mediaff:Hello Thanks so much! it's work!!!Jordan Alisa grid viewClosed   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated May 5, 2023 at 5:47pm   1 Most recent comment from Alisa:Is there a way to view the register/ticket on the grid calendar view... as in the single page?Please advise. Karina Disable Social Medie ShareClosed   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated May 4, 2023 at 6:38pm   4 Most recent comment from Zhivko Bozhilov:In STEC -> General set Comment form type to Disqus. This will disable loading of facebook sdk.Disqus won't load externals scripts unless comments are open for the event. René Maurer accordion animation in agenda list viewClosed   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated May 3, 2023 at 6:20am   5 Most recent comment from René Maurer:You are just brilliant, thank you so much it works.We are using WP Rocket and I have disabled the "Load JavaScript Files deferred" option. Maybe it will help others as well, so I'm posting an ima ... Wade Beckett How to remove the QR CodeClosed   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated May 2, 2023 at 10:17am   6 Most recent comment from Zhivko Bozhilov:Yes, this is correct.I am currently writting a small filter so this function can remain disabled even after update: // Disable QR Code image generator add_filter('stec_qrcode_disabled', func ... Wade Beckett Customizing the WooCommerce informationClosed   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated April 28, 2023 at 3:55pm   2 Most recent comment from Zhivko Bozhilov:Hi,Open your theme or child-theme functions.php file and place this hook somewhere at the bottom: add_filter('woocommerce_order_item_get_formatted_meta_data', function ($meta, $instance) { ... Karina Loading TimeClosed   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated April 12, 2023 at 1:38pm   3 Most recent comment from Karina:Thanks so much, got it! Can I ask another question or should I open another Ticket?Is it possible to switch of the Maps Integration completely? We have some very strict data protection rules in the E ... sabinocanyonhikerun Remove <p> tag from showing up on front end (and back end)Closed   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated April 10, 2023 at 5:08pm   3 Most recent comment from sabinocanyonhikerun:No worries on the delay.  I'm sure you're busy.  And you can't sit in front of a screen all the time.  Just want to say I appreciate your help always.  I feel bad sometimes that I&# ... sabinocanyonhikerun Media Slider Issue on Single Event PagesClosed   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated March 27, 2023 at 1:19pm   3 Most recent comment from sabinocanyonhikerun:I'll try this later this afternoon, and let you know the outcome.  As always, thank you for your quick responses.  Its a great calendar plugin.  One of the best available. sabinocanyonhikerun Drop-down issueClosed   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated March 24, 2023 at 10:56am   4 Most recent comment from Zhivko Bozhilov:Could you send me a link to the page to check it out? trucounselmarketing short tags and admin emailClosed   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated March 23, 2023 at 11:34am   2 Most recent comment from Zhivko Bozhilov:Hi, Add this hook in your theme or child-theme functions.php file: /**  * Registers custom special words  * {{starts on}}  * {{ends on}}  * {{location}}  * {{short description}}  * {{introducti ... julienpesce-1980 Admin emails : remove slugClosed   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated March 23, 2023 at 7:55am   9 Most recent comment from julienpesce-1980:Yes it works !Thank you Zhivko ! spkbyspk Number of participantsClosed   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated March 22, 2023 at 2:21pm   5 Most recent comment from spkbyspk:Hi, Thanks a lot, it works ! vkphotographymike PHP Carbon LibraryClosed   Stachethemes Event Calendar   Updated March 21, 2023 at 12:57pm   3 Most recent comment from Zhivko Bozhilov:If you have troubles try using the lib from the archive I've attached.