Stachethemes Event Calendar
Action and Filter Hook Reference Action and Filter Hooks for version 3.x!PHP Hooks Hook Type File ...
Displaying Stachethemes Event Calendar version 5 on the Front-End Variant 1: Using the [stec] Shortcode Log in to your WordPress admin area.Go to "Pages" in the admin dashboard.Edit the page where you want to display the calendar.Add a block that supports shortcodes.Insert the [stec] short ...
Shortcodes THIS ARTICLE IS FOR STACHETHEMES EVENT CALENDAR VERSION 3.x ! Default shortcode: [stachethemes_ec] Shortcode attributes: cal - Show events from specific calendar(s) only: [stachethemes_ec cal=1,2,3] where 1,2 ...
Set up Weather Forecast for Stachethemes Event Calendar version 5 Set up Weather Forecast Your Calendar plugin requires an API key from OpenWeatherMap to fetch weather data. Users can set up this API key in the plugin settings as follows: Go to Dashboard -> STEC -> Settings -> For ...
Using iCalendar RRULE Repeater Options (BETA) THIS ARTICLE IS FOR STACHETHEMES EVENT CALENDAR VERSION 3.x ! There is undocumented feature in the repeater that is still in beta allowing you more complicated repeating options, but you can use it successfully.Go to the eve ...
Changing the Single Event Page URL from stec_event/ to event/ THIS ARTICLE IS FOR STACHETHEMES EVENT CALENDAR VERSION 3.x ! Go to Dashboard -> STEC -> General -> Tools tab.Scroll to "Permalinks" section and under "Event single page permalink" change the value from "stec_event" to ...
How to Embed Events THIS ARTICLE IS FOR STACHETHEMES EVENT CALENDAR VERSION 3.x !To embed event simply go to the share section of the event And click the link icon. Small pop-up will appear containing the embed code of the event.
Obtaining Captcha API Key THIS ARTICLE IS FOR STACHETHEMES EVENT CALENDAR VERSION 3.x !To mange your Google reCAPTCHA API Keys got to Fill the form and press “Register”. Copy and Paste Site and Sec ...
Adding custom fields to the RSVP form code example THIS ARTICLE IS FOR STACHETHEMES EVENT CALENDAR VERSION 3.x !Here's example on how to insert custom fields to the RSVP form. The code should be inserted in your theme or child-theme functions.php file. /** * This cod ...
Stachethemes Event Calendar 5 Dynamic Date Values Date filters accept static date or a dynamic date value Static date Any date in format YYYY-MM-DD e.g. 2024-12-31 or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm e.g. 2024-12-31T15:30 Dynamic dates list 2_years_ago: 2 years ago from now2_years_ahe ...
Missing Colors and/or Undetected Shortcodes Missing Colors and/or Undetected Shortcodes As you can see in this screenshot, background colors are completely missing. If you encounter such a scenario, you may need to instruct the calendar to load the assets on that p ...
Setup BuddyPress Calendars Setup BuddyPress Calendars This tutorial assumes you already have created BuddyPress Groups from Dashboard -> Groups. The example will work with "BuddyPress Group 1" Creating BuddyPress Group Calendar Go to Calen ...
Stachethemes Event Calendar 5 Custom RSVP Input Fields hook example: This example inserts two new inputs: Phone Number and Company Name. The example assumes the code will be placed in the theme or the child-theme functions.php file. /** * STEP 1: * Modify the Attendance Form Structure ...
How to Add Event Images to Yoast SEO in Stachethemes Event Calendar Version 5 To tell Yoast Seo to use the event image for it's og:image meta place the following hook in your child-theme functions.php file: /** * OG:Image filter for Yoast SEO plugin * Adds first image from event to Yoast SEO Open Gr ...
Version 5 Permission Settings Permission SettingsPermission settings adjust which user roles can create terms ( calendars, categories, locations, organizers, guests ) and events.Default settings allow only users with Administrator role to create/edit ter ...
Activating Stachethemes Event Calendar version 5 To activate your calendar go to Dashboard -> STEC -> Activator -> Manage License Enter your purchase key in the field and click "Activate". "Failed to connect to" If you receive this message, it me ...
Translating Stachethemes Event Calendar version 5 General info Please make sure your translation .po and .mo files reside in the system folder: [ WordPress Installation ] / wp-content / languages / plugins / Otherwise, the plugin will not load your translation. For ...
Stachethemes Event Calendar 5 Shortcodes List Calendar Shortcode: [stec] or [stachethemes_ec] Shortcode parameters. Event Submission Form Shortcode: [stec_submit_form] Shortcode parameters: id - (optional) The event submission form id - (optional) Li ...
Removing the event countdown element using the Builder (v5) 1) From the Calendar Dashboard click on "Add template" button in the Builder block 2) Select template type: Keep "Blank template" unchecked to start editing with the default elements already inserted. 3) Click on ...
Set up Google Captcha Enterprise for Stachethemes Event Calendar version 5 To enable Google Captcha Enterprise for your calendar, go to Dashboard -> STEC -> Settings -> Captcha: Obtaining the reCAPTCHA Key, Project ID and API Key values Sign in to Google Cloud Console:Go to the Google Cloud ...
Missing Font Awesome Icons Fix for missing or incorrectly displayed icons By default the calendar uses 'font-awesome' hook to register and enqueue the Font Awesome stylesheet. However, it is possible that another plugin or theme is loading older ve ...
How to create and display event custom fields ( VIDEO )
Stachethemes Event Calendar version 5 Shortcode Parameters Calendar Shortcode Parameters Please note that the parameters are also available in the calendar dashboard. You can access the calendar dashboard to configure and customize various settings to meet your specific needs and p ...
Translating the event template (Version 5) The event template cannot be translated via a gettext editor (e.g. Loco Translate).Update: Since version 5.1.9 Default Templates can be translated using Loco Translate or similar tool. To translate the content, you will have ...